ok....weeeelll...I WAS gonna quit Sg...I really was!! no guys seriously-I was ya-wn---bored...then today in the law library while, um studying...ok actually I've been here 2 hours & have my books, binder & notecards out & ready to go, but I forgot to bring a pen & got discouraged...(what can I say-I'm easily discouraged) thus 2 hours internet surfing time! YAY-in this 2 hours I have made good use of my law library here at school and surfed through the new SG's. I found a couple that made me think twice about leaving this site...maybe it's not so bad after all...I'll give it another shot..after all I need to work on that quitting when bored bullshit...speaking of, I gotta criminal law final to study for. boo. x's & o's
don't leave... how the hell are you?

Im so glad you didnt leave!! I just stumbled on your profile!
Love your fantasy there in the about me section!