Part II: The series of unfortunate events of PISSED
Last weekend I was driving my girlie to the airport for her flight home to visit the fam for texas, when in the torrential downpour that was Saturday night, some fuckin' dipship in an SUV STOPS on the freeway. In the fast lane.....and here's the kicker: for "standing water" on the roadway*&&^^%$ Who stops for standing water in Seattle? Anywho, I digress. I am a fast, yet attentive driver so I see this idiot way in advance & jam on my brakes, pumping them ever gently, so as not to go into a slide & we stop approx 6-7 feet behind him. As I downshift into 1st, because at that point I realized I had neglected my shifting in favor of the brake & clutch, we are sitting there wondering what the FUCK the guy in front of us is doing. I start to say, as we are sitting at a stop and all the other lanes are flying by, "come on homes, let's get a move ---" BANG, CRUNCH...and I watch, in horror as my beautiful baby is pushed those 6-7 feet into the suv in front of us. LONG story short. WE got hit by a fucker with no insurance. Because my car got sandwiched & hit from the rear at approx 40-50mph, over 6gs of damage was inflicted on her. My insurance, because as you've undoubtably noted at this point, the offending party had no insurance, is almost def gonna total my car out. If you know me, you know that I love that car. You know that I bought it new in 2001 & have since only racked up 38k on it. It was immaculate...sigh...yet again-I digress. I find out yesterday that the fuckface that hit me is lyiing to my insurance & telling them I HIT the guy in front first and THEN he hit me so he's not responsible for the sandwich damage or the front end damage-just the rear. He said this after they called to inform him they are suing to recover the damages they are paying out on my car & medical bills.
Wait-I said this was going to be the short of it. I guess I lied. The short is this: my car is totaled, my girl & I have whiplash with lingering back issues. I have no car for the time being. I can't ride my harley because my back is fucked up. BUT the silver lining(s): I no longer have to worry about high gas prices. My girlfriend did not get seriously injured & neither did I. I went to the doc & now have muscle relaxers and yes, some more vicodin.....
I guess if my car is totaled & I am w/o I don't have to worry about paying that stupid monorail tax on my tabs for the time being and the best part, I have an XBOX. This means that I can sit here in narcotic bliss, shooting things, blowing up entire villages, and solving fictional world issues. NOw if you're ever in a situation beyond your control, that kind of medicine, my friends is just what the doctor ordered. xo
Part II: The series of unfortunate events of PISSED
Last weekend I was driving my girlie to the airport for her flight home to visit the fam for texas, when in the torrential downpour that was Saturday night, some fuckin' dipship in an SUV STOPS on the freeway. In the fast lane.....and here's the kicker: for "standing water" on the roadway*&&^^%$ Who stops for standing water in Seattle? Anywho, I digress. I am a fast, yet attentive driver so I see this idiot way in advance & jam on my brakes, pumping them ever gently, so as not to go into a slide & we stop approx 6-7 feet behind him. As I downshift into 1st, because at that point I realized I had neglected my shifting in favor of the brake & clutch, we are sitting there wondering what the FUCK the guy in front of us is doing. I start to say, as we are sitting at a stop and all the other lanes are flying by, "come on homes, let's get a move ---" BANG, CRUNCH...and I watch, in horror as my beautiful baby is pushed those 6-7 feet into the suv in front of us. LONG story short. WE got hit by a fucker with no insurance. Because my car got sandwiched & hit from the rear at approx 40-50mph, over 6gs of damage was inflicted on her. My insurance, because as you've undoubtably noted at this point, the offending party had no insurance, is almost def gonna total my car out. If you know me, you know that I love that car. You know that I bought it new in 2001 & have since only racked up 38k on it. It was immaculate...sigh...yet again-I digress. I find out yesterday that the fuckface that hit me is lyiing to my insurance & telling them I HIT the guy in front first and THEN he hit me so he's not responsible for the sandwich damage or the front end damage-just the rear. He said this after they called to inform him they are suing to recover the damages they are paying out on my car & medical bills.
Wait-I said this was going to be the short of it. I guess I lied. The short is this: my car is totaled, my girl & I have whiplash with lingering back issues. I have no car for the time being. I can't ride my harley because my back is fucked up. BUT the silver lining(s): I no longer have to worry about high gas prices. My girlfriend did not get seriously injured & neither did I. I went to the doc & now have muscle relaxers and yes, some more vicodin.....

The tats are healing fine. Most of scabs managed to come off already. It seems like everything and nothing is taking place all around me. It's a very surreal feeling.
How are you holding up postaccident? I hope you feel better soon, hun!