this week has been kind of good. i have got an interview for college. i got my very own debit card and savings account. i got some new kick ass MADFISH shoes. they fucking rock and i got them for dirt cheap for madfish too
. tis my baby sisters bday so i will hopefully see her tommoro which will kick ass.. i dont get to see her often. and umm.. opo yea i got put on the housing list now so hopefully i will have a place to stay soon instead of having to crash at xines all the time (which has some advantages ofcourse.
on the bad note i founf some really shitty news out about my sis and something that happened to her when she was younger that eplained her instability throyugh her teenage years. i dont wanna tell neone about it cos it iant my place but lets say its horrible when u find out something that makes you hate someone with a passion for what they have done to your own flesh and blood especialy when they are part of your family.
all i gotta work out is what made me instable all these years lol

on the bad note i founf some really shitty news out about my sis and something that happened to her when she was younger that eplained her instability throyugh her teenage years. i dont wanna tell neone about it cos it iant my place but lets say its horrible when u find out something that makes you hate someone with a passion for what they have done to your own flesh and blood especialy when they are part of your family.
all i gotta work out is what made me instable all these years lol
Good luck with the interview! x