after all the waiting cos of the chemo and stooph i went and got tattoed and pierced all at once. got my old nose double piercing back in and got my ear done too for a tenner and got the lovely FF logo on my wrist
it is sweet as hell. also met tsui aswell who wants my lady to become a SG if she can. my lady ofcourse is quite excited in the idea. and we both wanna go back and get tattoed soon. xine cant for a while cos she is skint but i might go back next week or so
was a good day yesrteday. xine also bought a gas mask and i got to hang out with m8s for the first time in ages. ive also been asked to be the best man at my das wedding.. freakin sweet

after all the waiting cos of the chemo and stooph i went and got tattoed and pierced all at once. got my old nose double piercing back in and got my ear done too for a tenner and got the lovely FF logo on my wrist

it is sweet as hell. also met tsui aswell who wants my lady to become a SG if she can. my lady ofcourse is quite excited in the idea. and we both wanna go back and get tattoed soon. xine cant for a while cos she is skint but i might go back next week or so

was a good day yesrteday. xine also bought a gas mask and i got to hang out with m8s for the first time in ages. ive also been asked to be the best man at my das wedding.. freakin sweet

I'll be seeing you both soon for more ink, leave us a testemonial too! Tribe Tattoo, I'm glad you are both pleased, your girl had some really nice thought out designs in her sketchbook too. Theres a link to our forums in the link above, where you can ask any more questions you may have.