welll tis the first time i am writing on this and i dont even know if neone even will see it but its worth a try.
just finished last bunch of chemo to get rid of the cancer in my knee.... well it aint there nemore due to the 14000 pouund knee and thigh replacment i got but hey it left me with a kick ass scar
but they had to give me a wee bit more just to make sure it was all gone. now its back to pyhsiotherapy and bein normal again. hopefully i can go back to college and get my band statrted properly. which would be all good and dandy
still got a lil bit recovery to go but apart from that im lookin forward to gettin back out, going to dark city, seeing fear factory live again and basiclly gettin back in the world of drunkeness and moosaac.
i duno what to write here the now cos i aint really done anything but hey...
catch u all later
just finished last bunch of chemo to get rid of the cancer in my knee.... well it aint there nemore due to the 14000 pouund knee and thigh replacment i got but hey it left me with a kick ass scar

still got a lil bit recovery to go but apart from that im lookin forward to gettin back out, going to dark city, seeing fear factory live again and basiclly gettin back in the world of drunkeness and moosaac.
i duno what to write here the now cos i aint really done anything but hey...
catch u all later