hey hey guys just got my account re started for some reason from a "friend"
this website will always confise me.. why cant they tell me who paid it so i could at least thank them lol
anyway life is not too shabby been teachin in fife and tryin to find a real job (fife is just volentery work)
done some gigs with a band...
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this website will always confise me.. why cant they tell me who paid it so i could at least thank them lol
anyway life is not too shabby been teachin in fife and tryin to find a real job (fife is just volentery work)
done some gigs with a band...
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Welcome back. 

I had it too, so did some others. Figured it's just a promotional thing that SG did to lure back some inactive accounts.
just as quick as it comes it goes as well.
it is true all good thigns pass quicker than u think like
just got dumped by gemma.. says she needs to be selfish and do thigns for her self etc and doesnt have enough time to see me... id ont get it... i know its prob all bullshit and tehre will be a real reason.....
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it is true all good thigns pass quicker than u think like
just got dumped by gemma.. says she needs to be selfish and do thigns for her self etc and doesnt have enough time to see me... id ont get it... i know its prob all bullshit and tehre will be a real reason.....
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back for 3 months for free so thought i would update this profile pish and let ya all know what im up to.. if this gets read
first of all.. i dont get the new sg layout.... ive put on my updates to tel me everything bout my fav sgs and frends but whenever i look the screen is just blank
nippy but i guess...
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first of all.. i dont get the new sg layout.... ive put on my updates to tel me everything bout my fav sgs and frends but whenever i look the screen is just blank

nippy but i guess...
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well confused here like ...
i aint used this site for ages but someone paid for me to come back
and i dont even know who it was
any one know what the hell happened lol
i aint used this site for ages but someone paid for me to come back

any one know what the hell happened lol
I don't know you and I didn't buy you a membership but that's pretty sweet.
thoguht i would update...
i might be goin off for a while as my card has been rejected... and my other card i dont think i can use to restart my profile.. so ni the next... few hours or day.. i will be not a member for a whiel
NNNOOOO how will i survive without me SG fix....START ACCEPTING DEBIT CARDS AND ILL BE BACK...
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i might be goin off for a while as my card has been rejected... and my other card i dont think i can use to restart my profile.. so ni the next... few hours or day.. i will be not a member for a whiel
NNNOOOO how will i survive without me SG fix....START ACCEPTING DEBIT CARDS AND ILL BE BACK...
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em.... Dont I know you? Sorry I saw your photo randomly in the metalheads group. You're totally friends with a few people I know.
sorry i not updated for ages been busy at college and my keybord is fucked so this lil msg took me donkeys to write
new keyord soon tho
new keyord soon tho
hey, how's it going?
cool that you're hometown is edinburgh, i just got back from there today! went up to visit three of my friends who live up there, ace city, had fun at the german market
cool that you're hometown is edinburgh, i just got back from there today! went up to visit three of my friends who live up there, ace city, had fun at the german market

igot a weecomment aksin where ive beenlately soithought i would fill whoeveractuallyreads thispish in....
i been recordin music and just chillin with the new lady friend... her names julie and she is rockin like. topclass gal.
was out 2 mondays ago forherbdaythen inpenicuik spendin time withher the couple days after...
then at the weekend..umm.. o yea i went to opium.. me and julie drunk...
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igot a weecomment aksin where ive beenlately soithought i would fill whoeveractuallyreads thispish in....
i been recordin music and just chillin with the new lady friend... her names julie and she is rockin like. topclass gal.
was out 2 mondays ago forherbdaythen inpenicuik spendin time withher the couple days after...
then at the weekend..umm.. o yea i went to opium.. me and julie drunk...
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Happy Birthday hun!!
thank you for the blog comment and yeah send me that link!
my new music myspace...
go check itoutitsjust gotone cover on it the now but willhavemore soon..i am also leavin jsut now to record some proper metalness and well..i excel at growls more i think soill post up a link onece its up and readyfor ur lovelyears
go check itoutitsjust gotone cover on it the now but willhavemore soon..i am also leavin jsut now to record some proper metalness and well..i excel at growls more i think soill post up a link onece its up and readyfor ur lovelyears
Def. checked it out and it's killer!
Hey where have you been haven't heard from you in a while!!!
my first gig went really well....
we where first on whichat first i waslike great y we first the rest of the bands aint even that good.. nt being cocky about my band because i wouldnt say we are good we just aint shit and we didnt rape strapping yound lag then follow it up with blur.. yea.. a band did that. and i wanted...
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we where first on whichat first i waslike great y we first the rest of the bands aint even that good.. nt being cocky about my band because i wouldnt say we are good we just aint shit and we didnt rape strapping yound lag then follow it up with blur.. yea.. a band did that. and i wanted...
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good bands taste,
cheers !
cheers !
I saw the comment you left on my set thank you it made me smile!

should be fun i will post up vids soon as
should be fun i will post up vids soon as
yo cuntbags im off to opium and subway for some drinky drinky and some BBBBBBLLLLLLLLLARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH
so see u there if ne ppl are mad enough to traverl from whereever u lie to edinburgh
so see u there if ne ppl are mad enough to traverl from whereever u lie to edinburgh

hahaha. U know u don't, darling 

goin to opium tonight.. come along if uwanna have fiun
Ok! wait... this is an old blog 

Thanks for the tatts comment... no I don't live in Scotland but i'm British and live in California now, so I know things