I'm so happy and very very proud that one of my favorite artists is showing her talent so great right here!
@kalincamaki is almost a SuicideGirl's Photographer Staff: she just need to sell 1 more...
and could be ours... who agree? HAHAHA 😂❤️
"Taste me, drink my soul" is my favorite set by far, I'm so proud of have made it with Kalinca!
It would be really awesome if our set make SOTD and turns her Staff. It would be an honor for sure.
I dont know if staff enjoyed this set, but I think it's the best I have until now and I would really appreciate if you help me voting, commenting or posting it in different threads to up, be seen.
She deserves a lot and I think we did a good work together so I'll glad for life if you help to make it happen! ❤️
Love, hugs and a LOT of joy for ALL of you
@sean @mickey @missy @rambo @beautiful