I'm up insomniacking, doing a bit of myspace searching. I decided to look for a bunch of my old high school classmates, and MAN...they're all so boring! Very L.L. Bean, Red Sox luvvin, whatever's-the-new-Hootie & the Blowish-equivilent-listening bunch. Makes me happy I was never a mold-fitter.
On Friday, I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time! I'm so excited. I know most people gripe about being a bridesmaid, the people who both have to wear hideous gowns and want to get married mit fam. But I get to wear a *gorgeous* Vera Wang, custom tailord by my BFF Minnae, who does work for all the rock and movie stars (Mick Jaggar, Gwen Stefani[!!!], Gina Gershon, Claire Danes, etc.). Neither do I long to walk the aisle. Quel boringness! When there's all this flirting to do?!
We had the rehersal dinner tonight, and I was sitting with a bunch of the groomsmen. We were talking about tattoos, and one conservativo across from me said, "Now this might sound sexist, but I just don't think women's tattoos age well. I have a 50 year old coworker with a back tattoo, and it just doesn't look good or appropriate. Men age better with tattoos." Okay, loserman. So I told him that he should be quiet because he sounded like a chauvanist. He pressed on (I think he was a bit in his cups) until I finally blurted, "Why don't you just shut your mouth right now, 'cause you sound like a DICK! Men only think they age well becuase they have huge egos!" First of all, a woman who advised me before I got any tattos was in her 50s, and all her work looked great. Yeah it had aged, and no, her skin wasn't a plucky teenager's. But I'm certainly not going to be quiet when someone insists upon sounding like an asshole. It was awkward for a moment or three, but then things smoothed over. I'm happy I spoke up though. And the ego part? Well, it's not true of all dudes. But how many times do you see a paunchy older woman with thinning hair and ugly clothes hitting on a 20 year old stud, thinking she's hot enough to get him? How many times do you see the reverse? Ex-actly! My tattoos will age with me, and I am happy about that. I'd rather that than injecting my tits and lips full of chemicals to try to like like I'm 20 when I'm 60!
On Friday, I get to be a bridesmaid for the first time! I'm so excited. I know most people gripe about being a bridesmaid, the people who both have to wear hideous gowns and want to get married mit fam. But I get to wear a *gorgeous* Vera Wang, custom tailord by my BFF Minnae, who does work for all the rock and movie stars (Mick Jaggar, Gwen Stefani[!!!], Gina Gershon, Claire Danes, etc.). Neither do I long to walk the aisle. Quel boringness! When there's all this flirting to do?!
We had the rehersal dinner tonight, and I was sitting with a bunch of the groomsmen. We were talking about tattoos, and one conservativo across from me said, "Now this might sound sexist, but I just don't think women's tattoos age well. I have a 50 year old coworker with a back tattoo, and it just doesn't look good or appropriate. Men age better with tattoos." Okay, loserman. So I told him that he should be quiet because he sounded like a chauvanist. He pressed on (I think he was a bit in his cups) until I finally blurted, "Why don't you just shut your mouth right now, 'cause you sound like a DICK! Men only think they age well becuase they have huge egos!" First of all, a woman who advised me before I got any tattos was in her 50s, and all her work looked great. Yeah it had aged, and no, her skin wasn't a plucky teenager's. But I'm certainly not going to be quiet when someone insists upon sounding like an asshole. It was awkward for a moment or three, but then things smoothed over. I'm happy I spoke up though. And the ego part? Well, it's not true of all dudes. But how many times do you see a paunchy older woman with thinning hair and ugly clothes hitting on a 20 year old stud, thinking she's hot enough to get him? How many times do you see the reverse? Ex-actly! My tattoos will age with me, and I am happy about that. I'd rather that than injecting my tits and lips full of chemicals to try to like like I'm 20 when I'm 60!
leaving Melbourne for a new adventure in Brisbane.
what price was your foot tattoo if you dont mind me asking?