What a weekend!
The Fantomas concert fuckin rocked!!! It was a blast!!! A great show and a great venue. Even the opening acts kicked ass. I am so sore tho from being in the pit but it was loads of fun! A boys night out. Need to have those more often.
I got to hang out with the coolest kid ever Sunday. She's 14 years old (no, I am NOT a pedophile you pervs) and she races cars, like real cars, like cars that go over 150mph and she doesn't even have a driver's license yet, still 2 years to go. And she's very fast too. I know how I drove when I was a teen and can you imagine her driving in high school? hehehe. Luckily her dad is mostly bald otherwise I am sure his hair would go completely grey. I can't imagine standing there watching my 14 yr old daughter spin towards a concrete wall at 100 something mph. Yowza.
Watched the movie Sideways a coupla nights ago. It was hilarious. I didn't realize it was supposed to be a comedy. I have that Blockbuster monthly membership thing so I just go in and grab two movies at a time. It's getting to the point that I have to look around to find ones I haven't seen yet.
Tenacious D is fucking hilarious. (Sorry, had a flashback to a T D moment this weekend.)
Doesn't look like I get to sell my jeep just yet. 3 hours left on Ebay and it's only at $7600. Might give it one more shot before exploring other options.
G came up with this crazy idea that we are running with. One of our friends, Mike, is getting married in a few weeks and we were all pondering the question of the wedding gift. G's brilliant idea was to all pitch in and get him a 1st gen RX-7. A car is probably not a usual wedding gift but it's absolutely perfect and he's gonna bawl like Tony on New Years.
Of course there is a story behind it but that's a tale for another day...
A week from tomorrow me and G are heading to Idaho Springs for a Personal Protection pistol course. Get to go do some shooting exercises and learn defensive pistol tactics. The class in and of itself would be really cool but it has the added bonus of qualifying us to get our Colorado CCW Permit. hehehe. Been wanting one of those for awhile now but only just recently has the legislation been supportive of granting them. The NRA at work I guess, making states issue them like they were supposed to be doing but didn't due to clintonomics. Why is it that gun laws are more strict during Democratic rule (when they are supposed to be for individuals rights) and less strict under Republican rule (which is supposed to be more conservative)? hmmmm
The Fantomas concert fuckin rocked!!! It was a blast!!! A great show and a great venue. Even the opening acts kicked ass. I am so sore tho from being in the pit but it was loads of fun! A boys night out. Need to have those more often.
I got to hang out with the coolest kid ever Sunday. She's 14 years old (no, I am NOT a pedophile you pervs) and she races cars, like real cars, like cars that go over 150mph and she doesn't even have a driver's license yet, still 2 years to go. And she's very fast too. I know how I drove when I was a teen and can you imagine her driving in high school? hehehe. Luckily her dad is mostly bald otherwise I am sure his hair would go completely grey. I can't imagine standing there watching my 14 yr old daughter spin towards a concrete wall at 100 something mph. Yowza.
Watched the movie Sideways a coupla nights ago. It was hilarious. I didn't realize it was supposed to be a comedy. I have that Blockbuster monthly membership thing so I just go in and grab two movies at a time. It's getting to the point that I have to look around to find ones I haven't seen yet.

Tenacious D is fucking hilarious. (Sorry, had a flashback to a T D moment this weekend.)
Doesn't look like I get to sell my jeep just yet. 3 hours left on Ebay and it's only at $7600. Might give it one more shot before exploring other options.
G came up with this crazy idea that we are running with. One of our friends, Mike, is getting married in a few weeks and we were all pondering the question of the wedding gift. G's brilliant idea was to all pitch in and get him a 1st gen RX-7. A car is probably not a usual wedding gift but it's absolutely perfect and he's gonna bawl like Tony on New Years.

A week from tomorrow me and G are heading to Idaho Springs for a Personal Protection pistol course. Get to go do some shooting exercises and learn defensive pistol tactics. The class in and of itself would be really cool but it has the added bonus of qualifying us to get our Colorado CCW Permit. hehehe. Been wanting one of those for awhile now but only just recently has the legislation been supportive of granting them. The NRA at work I guess, making states issue them like they were supposed to be doing but didn't due to clintonomics. Why is it that gun laws are more strict during Democratic rule (when they are supposed to be for individuals rights) and less strict under Republican rule (which is supposed to be more conservative)? hmmmm
Why did Delma leave? What is he doing in Denver? You said TAD, what is that?
Ohhhhh, Randy McKendree...he's been fired. FYI.
Indeed. Very typical.