Yay! The demons from hell have returned to their lair!!!
No more babysitting adults. That is a good thing. I am such a bum. All I do these days is watch movies. I've seen some pretty interesting ones though. Sin City is awesome. And I saw this other one that I rented, "This Girl's Life", which is basically a feminist manifesto on porn. About a porn star who is dealing with her life, a straight bf, taking care of her dad with parkinson's disease, and the life of a porn star from a girls perspective. The other one I've seen that was really cool was "Acts of Worship". About the life of a crack addict in New York. Very well done. I've also seen some crap but what can you do, eh?
Got the jeep all fixed and purdied up and on ebay. Yay! Don't have high hopes tho. Got my motorcycle running decently. I am not sure I want to invest the time/money to make it perfect. Too much of a pain in the rear. But it does run better than before so that's good. Now I just have to get back into the saddle so to speak. I've been helping G get his bike all fixed or at least running once again. Not there yet but getting there.
This evening I am faced with a moral dilemma. I have been asked to assist with a euthanasia of sorts and I am pandering. One of my best friends needs help pulling the engine on a 1974 Jaguar E-type, V-12. He is supposed to be restoring the vehicle for his soon to be ex-wifes uncle. The dilemma occurs because the Jag is already in excellent condition and it's totally original and needs very little in the way of restoration. In order for it to be worth any real money, it needs to be all original. My friend has this idea in his head to turn it into a LeMan's version of the car, which means changing and altering the configuration and paint and adding a roll cage. He thinks that by doing these things the car will more than double in value because the other Lemans versions sell for that. But those are the original race versions, not the "tard" versions that he is going to make. It would be one thing if he were totally profressional and actually knew what he was doing but that is just not the case. I've seen how he works... It generally ends in either having extra bolts or not enough of them. Or extra parts. Not so good. Have to see how my damage control skills are coming along.
Being a bum is kinda hard work. I get roped into doing all sorts of things (like pulling the motor). Let's see, I am an airport taxi for my extended family, a janitor, a laborer, a plumber, a mover, a mechanic, I get to do yard work, a trashman, a reliable drinking buddy (cause I don't have to get up in the am and go to work so I can keep you out way later than you want to be), et cetera. I am going to a Fantomas concert on Friday which should be cool. Trying to figure out which T-shirt to wear. Do I go as kinda cool, slightly offensive but more humorous or do I go shove offense down people's throats. I am kinda leaning toward the latter cause it's members from Slayer, Faith No More, The Melvin's, and Mr. Bungle but I'll have to see if I can even find the old shirts first. Should be a pretty good show, I think or at least hope.
I've also been working on a few, I guess you could call them "personal projects." They are going really well and I've finished one of them, at least the rough draft. Ever since I turned 30 I've been having this like pre-mid life crisis and have been quite introspective and reflective, thinking how I got to where I am now so I've been writing stuff down, kinda like a journal. I was thinking of doing a blog, seeing how that all works, but am undecided as of yet. The one thing I did finish was a confessional of sorts for my parents. The things they always wondered about but just weren't sure, couldn't prove, or had no idea about. That's the rough draft I finished. I started one that was supposed to have the same theme but I got a bit too honest on that one and there are things that they don't need to know and I shouldn't really say, like ever, and it also got a bit too sexual so I had to write a different one for the units. I've also been thinking of writing down all the random little memories I have. That would be pretty interesting in an ADD sort of way. Hafta see how motivated or obsessed I get with that idea.
The Fantomas concert fuckin rocked!!! It was a blast!!! A great show and a great venue. Even the opening acts kicked ass. I am so sore tho from being in the pit but it was loads of fun! A boys night out. Need to have those more often.
I got to hang out with the coolest kid ever today. She's 14 years old (no, I am NOT a pedophile you pervs) and she races cars, like real cars, like cars that go over 150mph and she doesn't even have a driver's license yet, still 2 years to go. And she's very fast too. I know how I drove when I was a teen and can you imagine her driving in high school? hehehe.
No more babysitting adults. That is a good thing. I am such a bum. All I do these days is watch movies. I've seen some pretty interesting ones though. Sin City is awesome. And I saw this other one that I rented, "This Girl's Life", which is basically a feminist manifesto on porn. About a porn star who is dealing with her life, a straight bf, taking care of her dad with parkinson's disease, and the life of a porn star from a girls perspective. The other one I've seen that was really cool was "Acts of Worship". About the life of a crack addict in New York. Very well done. I've also seen some crap but what can you do, eh?
Got the jeep all fixed and purdied up and on ebay. Yay! Don't have high hopes tho. Got my motorcycle running decently. I am not sure I want to invest the time/money to make it perfect. Too much of a pain in the rear. But it does run better than before so that's good. Now I just have to get back into the saddle so to speak. I've been helping G get his bike all fixed or at least running once again. Not there yet but getting there.
This evening I am faced with a moral dilemma. I have been asked to assist with a euthanasia of sorts and I am pandering. One of my best friends needs help pulling the engine on a 1974 Jaguar E-type, V-12. He is supposed to be restoring the vehicle for his soon to be ex-wifes uncle. The dilemma occurs because the Jag is already in excellent condition and it's totally original and needs very little in the way of restoration. In order for it to be worth any real money, it needs to be all original. My friend has this idea in his head to turn it into a LeMan's version of the car, which means changing and altering the configuration and paint and adding a roll cage. He thinks that by doing these things the car will more than double in value because the other Lemans versions sell for that. But those are the original race versions, not the "tard" versions that he is going to make. It would be one thing if he were totally profressional and actually knew what he was doing but that is just not the case. I've seen how he works... It generally ends in either having extra bolts or not enough of them. Or extra parts. Not so good. Have to see how my damage control skills are coming along.
Being a bum is kinda hard work. I get roped into doing all sorts of things (like pulling the motor). Let's see, I am an airport taxi for my extended family, a janitor, a laborer, a plumber, a mover, a mechanic, I get to do yard work, a trashman, a reliable drinking buddy (cause I don't have to get up in the am and go to work so I can keep you out way later than you want to be), et cetera. I am going to a Fantomas concert on Friday which should be cool. Trying to figure out which T-shirt to wear. Do I go as kinda cool, slightly offensive but more humorous or do I go shove offense down people's throats. I am kinda leaning toward the latter cause it's members from Slayer, Faith No More, The Melvin's, and Mr. Bungle but I'll have to see if I can even find the old shirts first. Should be a pretty good show, I think or at least hope.
I've also been working on a few, I guess you could call them "personal projects." They are going really well and I've finished one of them, at least the rough draft. Ever since I turned 30 I've been having this like pre-mid life crisis and have been quite introspective and reflective, thinking how I got to where I am now so I've been writing stuff down, kinda like a journal. I was thinking of doing a blog, seeing how that all works, but am undecided as of yet. The one thing I did finish was a confessional of sorts for my parents. The things they always wondered about but just weren't sure, couldn't prove, or had no idea about. That's the rough draft I finished. I started one that was supposed to have the same theme but I got a bit too honest on that one and there are things that they don't need to know and I shouldn't really say, like ever, and it also got a bit too sexual so I had to write a different one for the units. I've also been thinking of writing down all the random little memories I have. That would be pretty interesting in an ADD sort of way. Hafta see how motivated or obsessed I get with that idea.
The Fantomas concert fuckin rocked!!! It was a blast!!! A great show and a great venue. Even the opening acts kicked ass. I am so sore tho from being in the pit but it was loads of fun! A boys night out. Need to have those more often.
I got to hang out with the coolest kid ever today. She's 14 years old (no, I am NOT a pedophile you pervs) and she races cars, like real cars, like cars that go over 150mph and she doesn't even have a driver's license yet, still 2 years to go. And she's very fast too. I know how I drove when I was a teen and can you imagine her driving in high school? hehehe.

I know. They would not let me keep my name! Oi! Makes me nuts.
Another safety standown tomorrow. Oi. The agony of that. Oh well. Did you know they fired Carl, the safety guy? That axe is swinging rather heavily I suspect.