Going, going, gone...
Mother nature still hasn't made up her mind about wether it's winter or spring. Last Sunday night it snowed again. There was 2 feet of snow on the ground that I got to shovel from the driveway. Of course, now it's almost all melted.
My jeep is in the shop getting the parking lot ding fixed and getting detailed so it's all pretty for the Ebay pics. Time to focus on selling it. Cannot wait to sell that thing.
I've been hanging out with lots of ice peeps lately. It's a lot of fun. Good times, good people but now we can go to real places and drink real beer and eat real food. hehehe. Found a "Southern" in Denver. On Tuesdays it's $2 drinks all night. Anything and everything, 2 bucks! Just like back on the ice...
Still have to fine tune the air/fuel mixture on the motorbike. I think it's a bit rich and it still has no mid-range.
Going to see Fantomas on the 22nd with a coupla friends. Have no idea what they are like but it should be a crazy show. Got the CCW class scheduled for the 3rd of May. It's an all day affair that will teach me and G some new and cool stuff and then I can get my concealed carry permit. yay!
A couple of my friends from AZ are in town for a visit. It's great to see them again but they are serious tweekers so it really kinda sucks. I'm not really into that kinda thing but it's all they do. So I've had a few interesting adventures lately. The major drama is that one of them broke the pipe so we went all around town trying to find a shop that sells crack pipes. Of course, you can't ask for a crack pipe or a meth pipe, you have to try to find a glass oil warmer or something like that. I was just along for the ride and to provide directions. Come to find out that no one in Colorado sells them. It's like all you can buy in AZ but they don't seem to exist in CO and I have no idea where to tell my friends to look. SOL, ha.
Mother nature still hasn't made up her mind about wether it's winter or spring. Last Sunday night it snowed again. There was 2 feet of snow on the ground that I got to shovel from the driveway. Of course, now it's almost all melted.

My jeep is in the shop getting the parking lot ding fixed and getting detailed so it's all pretty for the Ebay pics. Time to focus on selling it. Cannot wait to sell that thing.
I've been hanging out with lots of ice peeps lately. It's a lot of fun. Good times, good people but now we can go to real places and drink real beer and eat real food. hehehe. Found a "Southern" in Denver. On Tuesdays it's $2 drinks all night. Anything and everything, 2 bucks! Just like back on the ice...

Still have to fine tune the air/fuel mixture on the motorbike. I think it's a bit rich and it still has no mid-range.

Going to see Fantomas on the 22nd with a coupla friends. Have no idea what they are like but it should be a crazy show. Got the CCW class scheduled for the 3rd of May. It's an all day affair that will teach me and G some new and cool stuff and then I can get my concealed carry permit. yay!
A couple of my friends from AZ are in town for a visit. It's great to see them again but they are serious tweekers so it really kinda sucks. I'm not really into that kinda thing but it's all they do. So I've had a few interesting adventures lately. The major drama is that one of them broke the pipe so we went all around town trying to find a shop that sells crack pipes. Of course, you can't ask for a crack pipe or a meth pipe, you have to try to find a glass oil warmer or something like that. I was just along for the ride and to provide directions. Come to find out that no one in Colorado sells them. It's like all you can buy in AZ but they don't seem to exist in CO and I have no idea where to tell my friends to look. SOL, ha.
when it comes to getting tattoos i never want to put something on my body that doesn't have some meaning behind it.
i'm glad that you can relate to my back.
it's actually lyrics from a song that i use to listen to growing up that kinda just helped me through life.
good luck on selling your car.
xo annabelle