Drunk aliens, sexy chicks, and shitty music...
What an incrdeible night!!! It was a great, naughty, fun party and some most excellent eye candy. It was the first time I've ever actually been really jealous of a guy. I wished I was in his shoes at that moment. But what can you do, eh?
The party was awesome!!! The people were all decked out and the music rocked!!! Then E took a turn at DJing. In the 1.5 hours he was on, people were flocking out the door and like about 75% of the crowd left. He is the worst DJ ever!!!
It would have been a great night if N.N. had kept on spinnin. He came back on at the end but there was nobody left
But even the crappy music didn't dampen my spirits! I had SO much fun! I had a most excellent session then make out session with this incredible girl that I have been so lusting after and crushing on for like the past 9 months, ever since I met her. She is so fucking rad and so hot. And I got to make out with her!!! YAY!!!
Probley could have gone further but we are both kinda attached to others and decided that it probley wasn't the best timing...
K. looked absolutely luscious! I think when she goes home and removes her skin it's vinyl underneath. Damn sexy!!!
I totally figured out why I am so unmotivated this year. I am bored out of my skull. The same old monotony as last year but this year I am not going out with anyone oficially. We agreed to do the whole 'friends with benefits' kinda thing but I don't think she's capable of ever being that way or that open-minded.
Now I guess I've got to decide wether or not to break it off. I couldn't imagine a totally single me being down here. I think I might get into trouble. Thankfully, tonight was a much needed release and lots of fun. Not an eruption, by any means, but a bit of venting.
What an incrdeible night!!! It was a great, naughty, fun party and some most excellent eye candy. It was the first time I've ever actually been really jealous of a guy. I wished I was in his shoes at that moment. But what can you do, eh?

The party was awesome!!! The people were all decked out and the music rocked!!! Then E took a turn at DJing. In the 1.5 hours he was on, people were flocking out the door and like about 75% of the crowd left. He is the worst DJ ever!!!

But even the crappy music didn't dampen my spirits! I had SO much fun! I had a most excellent session then make out session with this incredible girl that I have been so lusting after and crushing on for like the past 9 months, ever since I met her. She is so fucking rad and so hot. And I got to make out with her!!! YAY!!!

K. looked absolutely luscious! I think when she goes home and removes her skin it's vinyl underneath. Damn sexy!!!
I totally figured out why I am so unmotivated this year. I am bored out of my skull. The same old monotony as last year but this year I am not going out with anyone oficially. We agreed to do the whole 'friends with benefits' kinda thing but I don't think she's capable of ever being that way or that open-minded.
