Traveling around New Zealand, glad to be back in the sun again. Going to be around Cali and parts north in a week. Yay!
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
Yep So the S&M; rave went well tho I am forever kicking myself in th… -
Friday Aug 26, 2005
Yeah, so I'm back down on the ice once again. Not sure how long this… -
Friday Jul 22, 2005
Gimme out the kitchen!!! It's too damn hot!!! And my dumb ass goe… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
Time to update but i can't be bothered. I hate that. Too much g… -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
Holy wow! what a crazy crazy night last night. I had so much fun. … -
Tuesday Jun 21, 2005
What a week(end)! Got out of the city heat and up into the nice cool… -
Sunday Jun 05, 2005
Right... Been a while since I've updated. Been kinda busy. So, wha… -
Monday May 23, 2005
There is a god... Or someone working for Uncle Ray finally got a c… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
Saying goodbye to the units tomorrow! They are headin to Eire for … -
Friday May 06, 2005
Yard work SUX!!! Yeah, so I mowed my parents lawn today. It wasn'…