Still alive!!! The sun is pretty much gone now and the auroras are starting to peek out of the clouds along with the stars. Not quite full winter yet but it's definitely getting there. Talk about cold... -94ambient, -125windchill. No such thing as "Weather Conditions" here at the pole, it just effin cold! FuckinFreezin is right! Other than that just chillin and feelin out the groove. KY's girlfriend is down here this year and some things just click into place when I found that out last night. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm...
Interesting place this South Pole. Quite the social experiment. I could have tons of fun if only I were a bastard
hehehe. Not sure I wanna go there tho... Trying to keep clear of the drama, useless tho that is. Probley have better luck stopping breathing. Crazy daze ahead...
ciao lovelies!
Interesting place this South Pole. Quite the social experiment. I could have tons of fun if only I were a bastard

ciao lovelies!

Hang in there sweets. It is a long winter.