Thank the gods!!! Winter has begun!
I had to deal with way too much depression and tears today. It ain't the end of the world, you know, just the end of the world you are familiar/comfortable with. What a crazy summer season. Yep, pretty insane. Good but... wow. Interesting. Hmmmmm.
Uncle Ray is COMPLETELY out of control. Holy fuck!!! Scary Sheri was supposed to stay for the winter but got "NPQ"d at the last minute. Then they "NPQ"d Deni right after that. This is LESS than a week before last flight. Scary Sheri was joking (or not so much) at the bar about burying J.B. Freeman, (the Firetech manager for RPSC) in a crevasse. She would never actually do it but someone definitely should. But the cocksucker BJ (JB) overheard the conversation and went whining like the bitch he is to HR. Yada-yada-yada, Scary Sheri is on the next flight out. Well, Deni witnesses the whole thing and hears what happens to Sheri so she sends out an email to a few select individuals asking if this was within policy and, basically, WTF? This is BS. 2 Days later, she finds out that she has to re-PQ in order to stay. (You can't sue them for firing you if you NPQ.) And of course she was NPQ'd, but it was for "Low Sodium in the blood". LOL. She obviously did not eat at the galley that day... Me, personally, I'd still sue cause that is total bull shit!!!
Anyway, other than that BS, the winter will be good I think. We really do have a great crew. There are quite a few naughty ones here as well. And other than the casino nights there has actually been talk of a winter S&M rave. hehehe. but I wouldn't know anything about that
Miss ya Kay and wish you were here! Hope all is well with you in Colorado. Say Hi to Gage if you and the boy ever make it to the Penthouse Club (off of Colorado Blvd, pretty close to Shotgun Willies)

Uncle Ray is COMPLETELY out of control. Holy fuck!!! Scary Sheri was supposed to stay for the winter but got "NPQ"d at the last minute. Then they "NPQ"d Deni right after that. This is LESS than a week before last flight. Scary Sheri was joking (or not so much) at the bar about burying J.B. Freeman, (the Firetech manager for RPSC) in a crevasse. She would never actually do it but someone definitely should. But the cocksucker BJ (JB) overheard the conversation and went whining like the bitch he is to HR. Yada-yada-yada, Scary Sheri is on the next flight out. Well, Deni witnesses the whole thing and hears what happens to Sheri so she sends out an email to a few select individuals asking if this was within policy and, basically, WTF? This is BS. 2 Days later, she finds out that she has to re-PQ in order to stay. (You can't sue them for firing you if you NPQ.) And of course she was NPQ'd, but it was for "Low Sodium in the blood". LOL. She obviously did not eat at the galley that day... Me, personally, I'd still sue cause that is total bull shit!!!
Anyway, other than that BS, the winter will be good I think. We really do have a great crew. There are quite a few naughty ones here as well. And other than the casino nights there has actually been talk of a winter S&M rave. hehehe. but I wouldn't know anything about that

Miss ya Kay and wish you were here! Hope all is well with you in Colorado. Say Hi to Gage if you and the boy ever make it to the Penthouse Club (off of Colorado Blvd, pretty close to Shotgun Willies)


Keep warm!!