I N T E R N E T I S S O S L O W D O W N H E R E ! ! !
It sucks! Hard to keep up with things, you know? Hotmail is the worst. Click, wait 7 minutes for the page to load halfway and stop, click refresh, wait 5 more minutes for the page to load, click, another 5 minutes go by as the email you want to read loads, click, 5 more waiting for it to delete. You spend an hour just trying to read 3 emails and longer than that if you reply to any of them.
velly frustrating.
One week until X-mas, can you believe it? Time goes by at a different rate down here. This place must be located in a wierd spot in the space/time continue-um. Hmmmm...
My friend Alia wrote a book about mactown life in the winter when she was here 3 years ago. It should be on Amazon.com shortly, tho I don't know the title yet.
I am down here until August.
It sucks! Hard to keep up with things, you know? Hotmail is the worst. Click, wait 7 minutes for the page to load halfway and stop, click refresh, wait 5 more minutes for the page to load, click, another 5 minutes go by as the email you want to read loads, click, 5 more waiting for it to delete. You spend an hour just trying to read 3 emails and longer than that if you reply to any of them.

One week until X-mas, can you believe it? Time goes by at a different rate down here. This place must be located in a wierd spot in the space/time continue-um. Hmmmm...
My friend Alia wrote a book about mactown life in the winter when she was here 3 years ago. It should be on Amazon.com shortly, tho I don't know the title yet.
I am down here until August.


The boy and I head to Colorado this week. Wheeeee!!!