Wow... its been a long time since I've commented on here about anything. Well what's happened since November? LOTS! I've changed units and am no longer with grunt infantry units. It was kind of an interesting change I've gone from being 2nd in charge of an aid station for a regiment to the #1 guy of an arty battalion. Its been tons of work and lots of head aches but its starting to pay off. Whitewidow has gotten into roller derby and I've become the team medic
Its lots of fun to go watch but sometimes I cringe when I hear her go down (yesterday was a pretty rough practice). Tomorrow its off to The Mouse House with my niece, nephew for their first visit along with my sister who hasn't been there in maybe 10 years. Should be some good times, I'm taking the good camera to catch everything. Well its late and I need to get off and get some rest before a big day of Disney fun.
Oh yeah Whitewidow and I got some new ink last weekend. Mine is pretty boring but hers is out of this world awesome. We're going to enter her 2 tats (all 7 hours worth of chair time) in the upcoming Ink & Iron event at the Queen Mary in Long Beach in June.

Oh yeah Whitewidow and I got some new ink last weekend. Mine is pretty boring but hers is out of this world awesome. We're going to enter her 2 tats (all 7 hours worth of chair time) in the upcoming Ink & Iron event at the Queen Mary in Long Beach in June.
congrats on the move/pormotion too!