Well I've been back in the states for about a week and I've already had quite a few things that I missed out caught up on. I got to celebrate a late Christmas with the majority of my family, and this weekend my sister and uncle came down to throw a surprise 60th birthday for my mom. Its been some great times but exhausting. I think that we've been trying to make up for 6 months of time way too fast. I'm thinking that a trip to the mouse house is in order, and with our recently renewed passes I'm sure that we'll be frequent guests once again.
Next week I start some much needed leave and I'm really hoping to take care of some pretty important things around the house (maybe replace our master bathtub with a jacuzzi tub built for two if the price is right). There is a ton of stuff I'd like to get done but a bit of a get away for us is top priority, after that maybe some more socializing with friends.


Good to see you! So happy you made it home to Candi!!!!