Another week gone and I'm still a little sick, even after taking a full course of antibiotics
I'm pretty sure that I had what is known as "walking pneumonia", not bad enough to put me in the hospital, but bad enough to cause me to get winded walking from my truck up to our field aid station last week. I made an attempt at going for a run with the rest of the guys on Monday and I pretty much almost blacked out about 1/2 a mile in to the run. Today I played it safe and "ran some errands" instead of playing basket ball at lunch. Not the kind of thing I like to do but sometimes its for the best.
I'm really afraid that I may have passed the Southern California version of SARS on to my wife, but she seems to be bouncing back too quickly for her to have caught the same thing, but then again I fought it off twice before it kicked my ass, and I was doing a lot of work in the field when it finally won. I was actually asked to take a tuberculosis test at work just to be safe it got that bad.
Lucky for me it as a very big negative
The wife and I are still looking at houses, unfortunately the ones we were going to go take a closer look at last week just didn't feel like home when we were done. The one that I liked sold, and it turned out to be in a not so nice neighborhood. The one she liked turned out to be a short sale, and we just don't have the time to wait for the bank to make its mind up on taking our offer with my upcoming deployment. I also felt pretty bad after looking at it since the family was still living in the house and home when we went to have a look. I almost felt like I was looking in on their lives while I decided if I was going to pull their house out from under them before it went into foreclosure.
Tonight we headed out to look at a couple more houses, out of the ones we looked at three of them were in neighborhoods we didn't like, and one of them may or may not be what we're looking for. On the flip side the first house we looked at could definitely be home, the street might be a little busier then what we're looking for the the rest of the neighborhood was very nice, and the house had plenty of room for us to grow into.
The second to last house we went to look at reminded me of going home to see family right off the bat. The development was a bit older, but this meant that houses didn't look like they came off an assembly line and almost every house we drove by looked like the people that lived there took pride in their houses. What blew me away is the fact that when I got home and went to look up the info on the house again I could see that it first hit the market at almost $500k and was now reduced down to $270k
Not only that but its taxed on 1400 square feet, but actually measures 1900 square feet due to some home improvements.
Just from the outside we could tell that the previous owner put in a lot of hard work to make it a nice home... that and the fence surrounding the house was at one time quite regal looking with lion statues on either side of the driveway pillars. We'll probably swap a couple of them out for some wicked cool gargoyle ones if we get the place.
Tonight I'm emailing our realtor to tell him that we not only want a tour but we're pretty sure that we're going to want to make an offer on the place.

I'm really afraid that I may have passed the Southern California version of SARS on to my wife, but she seems to be bouncing back too quickly for her to have caught the same thing, but then again I fought it off twice before it kicked my ass, and I was doing a lot of work in the field when it finally won. I was actually asked to take a tuberculosis test at work just to be safe it got that bad.

The wife and I are still looking at houses, unfortunately the ones we were going to go take a closer look at last week just didn't feel like home when we were done. The one that I liked sold, and it turned out to be in a not so nice neighborhood. The one she liked turned out to be a short sale, and we just don't have the time to wait for the bank to make its mind up on taking our offer with my upcoming deployment. I also felt pretty bad after looking at it since the family was still living in the house and home when we went to have a look. I almost felt like I was looking in on their lives while I decided if I was going to pull their house out from under them before it went into foreclosure.
Tonight we headed out to look at a couple more houses, out of the ones we looked at three of them were in neighborhoods we didn't like, and one of them may or may not be what we're looking for. On the flip side the first house we looked at could definitely be home, the street might be a little busier then what we're looking for the the rest of the neighborhood was very nice, and the house had plenty of room for us to grow into.
The second to last house we went to look at reminded me of going home to see family right off the bat. The development was a bit older, but this meant that houses didn't look like they came off an assembly line and almost every house we drove by looked like the people that lived there took pride in their houses. What blew me away is the fact that when I got home and went to look up the info on the house again I could see that it first hit the market at almost $500k and was now reduced down to $270k

The price is amazing too!!