Busy busy busy...
I know that I've been pretty bad at updating on here but it kind of goes with the way my job works. The last few weeks I've been taking a Combat Trauma Management course that involved a few days out in "The Field". It's not exactly what I had in mind....
Be back later to finish the update, the wifey needs to go get some stuff taken care of for an audition at Disneyland tomorrow.... Her work visa finally came in
... OK where was I...
I think that things have started to come together for us, I'm not exactly sure as to what happened first for us but last Sunday Whitewidow found a ring that she had lost taking down Christmas ornaments that I had given her (after I had gotten a replacement one
), then on Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security's special travel papers arrived allowing us to come and go as we wish between Canada, Mexico and the good old US of A
So now when we decide on a whim to take off and flee to some place exotic like Dog River it won't be a problem. Then on Wednesday I was able to go in to division HQ and clear up a major housing/pay issue that was costing us over $600 a month out of pocket since July. According to the clerk we should be looking at a nice reimbursement check for around $3000.00
Yesterday I was able to talk to the lady at the base Department of Motor Vehicles about taking care of the Chrysler and the problems we have encountered with US Customs for importation, and she simply said that until we were able to take care of stuff she would just issue us temp passes and keep the custom plate I ordered for Whitewidow till we had everything sorted out.
Today when I came home I found out that a work visa had finally come in and that coincidentally there were Disney auditions tomorrow...
Not too shabby of a turn around for us all in all but one thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to redo our taxes for last year as well as this year with the married deduction... We've got some pretty big plans for our tax return...
I know that I've been pretty bad at updating on here but it kind of goes with the way my job works. The last few weeks I've been taking a Combat Trauma Management course that involved a few days out in "The Field". It's not exactly what I had in mind....
Be back later to finish the update, the wifey needs to go get some stuff taken care of for an audition at Disneyland tomorrow.... Her work visa finally came in

... OK where was I...
I think that things have started to come together for us, I'm not exactly sure as to what happened first for us but last Sunday Whitewidow found a ring that she had lost taking down Christmas ornaments that I had given her (after I had gotten a replacement one

I'm glad that you were there on Saturday. At least we got to spend time on the rides so it wasn't a waste
