Today I got to sleep in
Finally, even if it was only till about 6 its still a lot better then getting up at 4
Today I want to take care of a couple things around the house that I haven't really had the time to so that we'll have a place to put WhiteWidow's stuff when it gets here monday. This is something we've both been looking forward to since our house really hasn't felt quite completed when we've been without a kitchen table, and our spare room / office isn't set up. We've still got quite a few things to sort out as far as what we want to go where, and I've got a ton of stuff I can't really do anything with till we know where or if other things will fit.
Things have started to feel like they are getting better where I'm at, either that or I'm just starting to get used to it
but I'm getting tired of all the time that's spent doing nothing productive at the end of the day before I can go home. Its pretty frustrating knowing that at 4 in the afternoon I'm pretty much done but can't leave till 6 (if I'm lucky).
I guess things could be a lot worse, at least I do get to go home most nights but dealing with this kind of a schedule till December isn't going to be very easy.
Next week's going to really suck, I don't know how much time I will get to spend at home if any, and the same goes for the week after next.

Things have started to feel like they are getting better where I'm at, either that or I'm just starting to get used to it

I know you are really tired but those 3 hours that I got to sleep last night aren't doing much good now that you have been sleeping for 2 and I am still awake
Sorry - just venting since you can sleep and I can't