A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
Groucho Marx
The light at the end of the tunnel has finally started to get more then just brighter, I can actually see things on the other side.... I've got 2 weeks left at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake (aka the arm pit of nowhere). On the 12th of July the nice people with the big truck come to pack my stuff and send it off to Camp Pendleton. More importantly this also means that in a day or two after that I'll be taking an international flight up to Canada to drive down with whitewidow.
I know that I've been terrible at updating, responding or doing anything on SG but I really haven't felt up to jumping on the computer after work all that much. Things have been a mad house where I work, between trying to take care of all the logistics of changing duty stations (going to Japan was easier), trying to coordinate multiple last minute projects with impossible deadlines with turning over my duties to other people and unfucking 6+ years of records archiving that took someone 6 months to make an even more impossible task has been hell. Most of the time when I get home all I want to do is call my wife and go to bed.
On the brighter side of this dark troglidyte hell is that I've kind of reached a point where I can say that things are no longer my problem, and that the people responsable for the messes are being held accountable. Besides I've got more important things to worry about then some lunatic's in ability to listen to solutions (or read the SOP I've put together for them).
I've tried to talk to my chief about what needs to be done and I get told to shoot him an email outlining the problems and providing solutions only to be told that it was too big/complicated/technical/verbose/unconventional etc for him. All I can do is shrug and laugh a little on the inside because I know a 5th grader would be able to understand the SOP (standard operating procedure) I've put together. Not my problem anymore....
I talked with our new senior chief about what needed to be done for about 5 minutes today and he understood everything, no dumbing it down, no shoot me an email (so I can not read it and ask for you to do the same thing 3 days later), and more importantly there wasn't some incredible hammer of doom hovering over my head because it wasn't something I would have been able to do in the short amount of time given me (much less the 4 months it's going to take). He had one thing to say and that's it... "Tell me who you believe will be able to finish this once you leave and I will give them to you now so they will understand what needs to be done." WOW!!!!! How much simpler a solution can you ask for?
Well that's it for now, I had a long day and I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Most importantly NONE of it is work related!
Groucho Marx

I know that I've been terrible at updating, responding or doing anything on SG but I really haven't felt up to jumping on the computer after work all that much. Things have been a mad house where I work, between trying to take care of all the logistics of changing duty stations (going to Japan was easier), trying to coordinate multiple last minute projects with impossible deadlines with turning over my duties to other people and unfucking 6+ years of records archiving that took someone 6 months to make an even more impossible task has been hell. Most of the time when I get home all I want to do is call my wife and go to bed.
On the brighter side of this dark troglidyte hell is that I've kind of reached a point where I can say that things are no longer my problem, and that the people responsable for the messes are being held accountable. Besides I've got more important things to worry about then some lunatic's in ability to listen to solutions (or read the SOP I've put together for them).

Well that's it for now, I had a long day and I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow. Most importantly NONE of it is work related!