WOW! The last couple weeks were great, my lovely wife whitewidow and I finally got our well deserved vacation.
A place right on the beach (even if we didn't spend a whole lot of time there) for almost two full weeks, Disneyland for a couple days, Sea World for a day, visiting with family and friends, the musical Wicked, and lots of time alone.
I think that one of the best things is that we managed to do lots of stuff with out feeling like we had run ourselves ragged. We really didn't actually accomplish one thing that we were supposed to do and that was to find ourselves a house, but I'm more concerned with actually getting to the point where we can get one. I'm authorized 10 days house hunting leave (yup more time off
) and all we need is a place to stay for a bit till we can get into housing on base. Just looking at where the houses are on the San Onofre side is enough for me to want to get hosing on base. Unfortunatly we don't know what the waiting list is like and really can't get on the list till I transfer. This is pretty stupid in my opinion since no one really wants to get posted some place with out knowing if there will be housing available. I'll make a few calls when I get back to work this week.
WIth all that's been going on that has been good for us whitewidow recieved some pretty bad news about one of the guys she used to take care of. Not a really good way to end a vacation, and both of us understand that its part of what comes with our jobs, but it never makes it any easier. I'm sure that if you keep tabs on her journal you already know what I'm talking about.
Other then that its time to get ready to go back to work and I've got TONS of stuff to do between now and July and I've got to start getting a few things ready to go for next week. Yay another fun and exciting weekend in BFE.

WIth all that's been going on that has been good for us whitewidow recieved some pretty bad news about one of the guys she used to take care of. Not a really good way to end a vacation, and both of us understand that its part of what comes with our jobs, but it never makes it any easier. I'm sure that if you keep tabs on her journal you already know what I'm talking about.

Other then that its time to get ready to go back to work and I've got TONS of stuff to do between now and July and I've got to start getting a few things ready to go for next week. Yay another fun and exciting weekend in BFE.
Go Army