Only 2 more days!!!
whitewidow flys in on Monday 
Its about time the two of us get some time together, the last time we got to see each other was way back in January, and things weren't going to well for us. I'm happy to say that this visit will be one of the last ones either of us will have to make before we can say that our next vacation we'll be starting and finishing from our own home instead of having to fly to meet up.
I managed to get a little beach house right on a private beach for our little get away for our base of opperations. I figured that not only will it allow us some privacy but a good place to get to everything from LA down to San Diego and some of everything in between.
This trip is going to be a lot more kicked back, we're not going to try and cram so many things in such a short amount of time, last June just got a little too crazy, too much in too short a time. I think that as much as we like to run around we needed to have some actual leisure time to do nothing. Don't get me wrong, there is still room for Disneyland, Underground, and a few other things.
One thing that we're going to have to do is kind of keep an eye out for a potential area we want to move to. I transfer in July and it would be nice to have something set up for us at the end of June. I'm not 100% sure as to what area would be the closest to where I am going to be working from but I kind of get the impression that its going to be on the north side of Camp Pendleton so I think we're going to be looking in the San Juan Capistrano / San Clemente areas.
Well I've got to get going and get back to taking care of the rest of the paper work for our (I know better then to say my) Xterra.
And now for something completely different....

Its about time the two of us get some time together, the last time we got to see each other was way back in January, and things weren't going to well for us. I'm happy to say that this visit will be one of the last ones either of us will have to make before we can say that our next vacation we'll be starting and finishing from our own home instead of having to fly to meet up.
I managed to get a little beach house right on a private beach for our little get away for our base of opperations. I figured that not only will it allow us some privacy but a good place to get to everything from LA down to San Diego and some of everything in between.
This trip is going to be a lot more kicked back, we're not going to try and cram so many things in such a short amount of time, last June just got a little too crazy, too much in too short a time. I think that as much as we like to run around we needed to have some actual leisure time to do nothing. Don't get me wrong, there is still room for Disneyland, Underground, and a few other things.

Well I've got to get going and get back to taking care of the rest of the paper work for our (I know better then to say my) Xterra.

And now for something completely different....
'Twas a pleasure to see you again tonight my friend! 

today isnt a good day