Who am I to judge who is an ass hat or not? Well in this instance there really isn't any judge needed. These people seem to nominate themselves for Darwin Awards. The best part is I get to just watch the drama unfold....

Oh... Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! Vacation is just around the corner, and I won't have to deal with all the petty crap that people have been pulling. Somethings are pretty harmless, others are accusations that could land someone in jail.
In the Navy this kind of person is commonly refered to as a "Blue Falcon", I guess that the Army uses it too.
By the way the guy mentions a transition program that's from the Navy to the Army the term origniated in the Navy... stemming from the Blue Angles... "Well arn't you just the Captain of the Blue Falcons"

Ok to get back to this Blue Falcon, he's going to have to share a room with one of the guys in the clinic (pretty common) but he decided that he didn't want to so he calls up NCIS (Navy Criminal Investigation Service) and says that this guy's got a little ganja and a pipe in his car. This of course is regular pipe tobbaco and a home made pipe. The guy that owns the weed in question gave this other guy a ride in the car, or something, I guess the Blue Falcon asked if he could even have the pipe and tobbacco too. So, to make a long story short he feeds NCIS a big story about seeing it and not knowing if it was marajuana or since he doesn't do that kind of stuff, but knew the other guy was using it because of the resin (a common weed smokers term not a laymans term) in the pipe.
I hope they fry his ass, every person that lived on base at the clinic had to empty out all their drawers, lockers, and even their rooms for inspection today.
Man I'm just glad I don't live on base, I would have killed people... figuratively. (I actually have to clarify this since someone over heard me say something about something similar and I had to go in for an evaluation of my mental well being. That pissed me off to no end, I really wanted to kill someone, not figuratively!
Ok enough about the fun and games, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week ;D
(anyone know where I can get a high power rifle with a scope that tells time and a compass in the stock?)
Im kinda mad that you didn't even phone tonight to tell me that you had decided not to leave until tomorrow....woulda taken you not but 5 minutes to do so

even I managed to update again before you!