Alright. This whole BP oil spill mess is really unfortunate. Pumping the equivalent of a tanker truck full of oil into the water every 2 minutes, 24 hours of every day, it's become quite unrealistic that there's really anything that can be done at this point to make a hell of a lot of difference. They've "capped" it somewhat again, probably minimizing the sheer volume of ooze by a few percentage points here and there...but who the fuck are we kidding?
There's been so much damage already that even if the spillage were to stop altogether right would probably be until after we're all dead and gone before everything returns to a semblance of normalcy. So that being said.....let's stop this ridiculous bullshit of this being "Obama's Katrina" and all this other nonsense. Okay...we all know George Bush royally fucked the pooch on Katrina...but as bad as he could be, he didn't cause the hurricane or cause the corner-cutting around the levees and all that shit leading up to the actual disaster. But, ya know - this country loves to blame our PRESIDENTS for everything. So yeah, I guess Obama blew up this whole thing to begin with. Whatever. Even so, it's very difficult in reality to blame anyone for this. But damn it, the finger pointing will continue at full force, whether it be at the BP bigwigs who obviously did cut some corners, and who were ironically celebrating their safety record on board just before all hell broke loose some 50 days ago.
The point is, if somebody really meant for this to happen...purposely planned the destruction of our natural resources just for kicks...then that someone needs to fry. But the fact that we'll be seeing senate hearings on this until the end of time involving dudes in their starched white shirts testifying while sipping their glasses of water when every resource could be better used by physically helping in some way, just insane. It's as if we want to justify the existence of C-Span. A sort of boring reality show that's just a bit all TOO real....yet will do just that - bore us to death as we watch the finger-wagging continue as everyone rehashes the past while our future dissolves into a rainbow-shimmering void of crude.
There's been so much damage already that even if the spillage were to stop altogether right would probably be until after we're all dead and gone before everything returns to a semblance of normalcy. So that being said.....let's stop this ridiculous bullshit of this being "Obama's Katrina" and all this other nonsense. Okay...we all know George Bush royally fucked the pooch on Katrina...but as bad as he could be, he didn't cause the hurricane or cause the corner-cutting around the levees and all that shit leading up to the actual disaster. But, ya know - this country loves to blame our PRESIDENTS for everything. So yeah, I guess Obama blew up this whole thing to begin with. Whatever. Even so, it's very difficult in reality to blame anyone for this. But damn it, the finger pointing will continue at full force, whether it be at the BP bigwigs who obviously did cut some corners, and who were ironically celebrating their safety record on board just before all hell broke loose some 50 days ago.
The point is, if somebody really meant for this to happen...purposely planned the destruction of our natural resources just for kicks...then that someone needs to fry. But the fact that we'll be seeing senate hearings on this until the end of time involving dudes in their starched white shirts testifying while sipping their glasses of water when every resource could be better used by physically helping in some way, just insane. It's as if we want to justify the existence of C-Span. A sort of boring reality show that's just a bit all TOO real....yet will do just that - bore us to death as we watch the finger-wagging continue as everyone rehashes the past while our future dissolves into a rainbow-shimmering void of crude.
It is pretty sad about the whole damn thing. And you are right about how we love to blame the people at the top. Wish we could change the energy wasted by finger pointing into something useful.