in this post? WoW!!! I've got back on and put my character up to lvl 19 in 4 days or so. not bad I guess. I mess around to much to be a serious leveler tho. and random picture:
I just finished an interview with this guy who's doing a study on war vets who are returning to school, it kinda reminded me how different/wierd everything feels sometimes. It was nice to sit down and talk about it though, I tend to avoid the whole subject too much of the time. Far too many immature ass college chicks just want a piece of the fucking uniform.
*punches them*
My friends are on standing orders not to reveal either my military or my motorcycle. If a girl likes me for who I am, then she gets the perks. That and I'm tired of retarded guys asking me if I killed anyone, or banged an Iraqi chick. Seriously, how the fuck dumb can you get? If you got any stupider, you'd probably forget to breath.
Umm... back to World of Warcraft tho. I joined the Dark Iron server to play with the SG guild, and it's going pretty well. So friendly and everything. My new character is a lowbie though, which sux. I hate not contributing anything to the guild, makes me feel like I owe people, and really I just hate owing ppl. Get it? Got it? Good. <==that's some old skool shit there.

I just finished an interview with this guy who's doing a study on war vets who are returning to school, it kinda reminded me how different/wierd everything feels sometimes. It was nice to sit down and talk about it though, I tend to avoid the whole subject too much of the time. Far too many immature ass college chicks just want a piece of the fucking uniform.
*punches them*
My friends are on standing orders not to reveal either my military or my motorcycle. If a girl likes me for who I am, then she gets the perks. That and I'm tired of retarded guys asking me if I killed anyone, or banged an Iraqi chick. Seriously, how the fuck dumb can you get? If you got any stupider, you'd probably forget to breath.
Umm... back to World of Warcraft tho. I joined the Dark Iron server to play with the SG guild, and it's going pretty well. So friendly and everything. My new character is a lowbie though, which sux. I hate not contributing anything to the guild, makes me feel like I owe people, and really I just hate owing ppl. Get it? Got it? Good. <==that's some old skool shit there.
schools going good. besides the fact that I got an 89.4% in my first class and my professor/chef guy said I could write a 500 word paper and then when I turned it in he found out that he actually couldn't change my grade. fucker. and Western Culinary doesn't do +'s and -'s. so I got a straight fucking B. it's retarded that I get the same grade as someone who got an 80%. but I'm kicking ass in my breads class - hopefully I'll get an A.
my dreads turn one year old next month! I trimmed the stringy ends a few months back and they're tightening up a lot, so they really don't seem like they've grown a lot. they're just past my shoulders. but I've dyed a few - blonde, black, and burgundy. it's hot.