Right. So I think SG is starting to depress me. Unfortunately, I get to look around at all these interesting women and then wish that I could find someone near me(geographically) that could peak my interest as much. I think part of it has to do with the fact that the online side of a person tends to be their better side... but even then, there just isn't that many alternatively styled women who live in such a conservative area. Who wants to move to Iowa? Maybe it's just cause I'm not living at a college right now, so it seems as if all the girls I meet are fucking high schoolers(cause they are), so when I get back to ISU, maybe I'll feel better about things? Hopefully. I'm moving in Aug. 5th. Definitely excited about that. Not joking yea.
Wire foxterrier, girl, 1 year old... I miss her right now cause I'm away from the north for a few weeks. Hope your weekend was OK.
we're checking out on Friday at 11:30. lemme know if you or that chick can pick it up before then, otherwise I'll bring it over to my mom's. I owe my mom for my phone bill, so unless I see you before I move, you can just pay her the $50. I texted you her number and address, or she manages the Swift Stop on Lincoln Way and Franklin, so you could pay her down there. just lemme know what's up. <3