mk. So I finally got my delt tattoo re-touched. i didn't eat anything beforehand except for a 3 beers... and I got all faint. it would've been funny, but I was embarassed. I'm not gonna lie, i'm not a big fan of needles. I had to ask Hugo to stop 3 times in a 35 min. job. I definitely felt like a loser. Wierd cause the first time I got it done, I only needed one break.. and my other tattoo I didn't take any breaks. I'm guessing the lack of food and the beer had something to do w/ it... and I was sitting up. Laying down werks better for me.
Wednesday nites in Waterloo, Iowa... 5$ cover at Flirts: free beer from 5-9. Once 9 rolls around... we migrate enmass to Coconut's: 4$ for 4 mixed drinks. Get home around 2:45. Pass out around 3. Crawl outta bed at 7 and call someone else to give me a ride to werk cause I'm too drunk to drive here still. Smile cause it was werth it. And that's how I roll.
P.S. wrote this in Iraq, been goin' back through my journals and all.
You say love like it's a great thing...
wait til you feel the pain that only it can bring.
For just an instant you soul sings,
and then you're back to screw it.
Nothing more than farther to fall,
lifted and gifted out of one hand,
Only to be slapped back down harder again.
bam. you like fruit? how about apples? how d'u like them apples?!
Wednesday nites in Waterloo, Iowa... 5$ cover at Flirts: free beer from 5-9. Once 9 rolls around... we migrate enmass to Coconut's: 4$ for 4 mixed drinks. Get home around 2:45. Pass out around 3. Crawl outta bed at 7 and call someone else to give me a ride to werk cause I'm too drunk to drive here still. Smile cause it was werth it. And that's how I roll.
P.S. wrote this in Iraq, been goin' back through my journals and all.
You say love like it's a great thing...
wait til you feel the pain that only it can bring.
For just an instant you soul sings,
and then you're back to screw it.
Nothing more than farther to fall,
lifted and gifted out of one hand,
Only to be slapped back down harder again.
bam. you like fruit? how about apples? how d'u like them apples?!
as far as the UV inks go, they mostly come in bright neon colors, like white, yellow, flourescent red etc... i don't think they make a black. but you could always get a black tattoo and have another outline (like you said) or burst in the background using the UV colors, then when you went under a blacklight the tattoo would be "lit up", sort of.