Updates? I knock those out like Mike Tyson knocks out those hoes. and stuff.
Anyways, I'm in kuwait now. werd. in less than a week I'll be in teh two nine. Which makes me think of one thing: booze.
I think that means I'm an addict. Then again if my gf hadn't dumped me I'd be thinking about sex. Does that mean I'm addicted to sex? Nevermind, I think I already know the answer to that one.
Things I'm looking forward to in the two nine? Showers in a clean bathroom. Washing my clothes in clean water as well(usually my clean cammies still smell funny cause they use non-potable water to clean them), booze, not-crappy intarweb, privacy, i could really use some privacy.
I'm really looking forward to the privacy of intarweb in my own room. Not some fucking intarweb cafe with people staring over my shoulder when I'm talking online. Hopefully I can swing for that in teh two niner. it doesn't always work out that way though. we'll see.
oh, and chinese. The chinese around two nine kinda sux, but it's 20 times better than the attempts our chow hall made out here. god i miss oriental food, and subway, and papa john's, and zio johno's, and taco bell, and just being able to go to the fridge and make a fucking sandwich with whatever the fuck i want on it.
Anyways, I'm in kuwait now. werd. in less than a week I'll be in teh two nine. Which makes me think of one thing: booze.
I think that means I'm an addict. Then again if my gf hadn't dumped me I'd be thinking about sex. Does that mean I'm addicted to sex? Nevermind, I think I already know the answer to that one.
Things I'm looking forward to in the two nine? Showers in a clean bathroom. Washing my clothes in clean water as well(usually my clean cammies still smell funny cause they use non-potable water to clean them), booze, not-crappy intarweb, privacy, i could really use some privacy.
I'm really looking forward to the privacy of intarweb in my own room. Not some fucking intarweb cafe with people staring over my shoulder when I'm talking online. Hopefully I can swing for that in teh two niner. it doesn't always work out that way though. we'll see.
oh, and chinese. The chinese around two nine kinda sux, but it's 20 times better than the attempts our chow hall made out here. god i miss oriental food, and subway, and papa john's, and zio johno's, and taco bell, and just being able to go to the fridge and make a fucking sandwich with whatever the fuck i want on it.

Haha, your spelling may not be that far off when you're drunk, but alcohol-influenced trains of thought are so distinctive!

It's pretty good. Finally warming up, so that's nice.