Allright, well a whole lotta shit's happened since I last even looked at my journal. I cancelled my acct here for awhile... I don't really get off on the photos(I prefer written erotica), I was just looking to meet some people, but there's precious few SG members that I've found who live near me.
However, my Marine Reserves unit got activated and I'm currently in Iraq. We bought a satellite intarweb service tho(it only took 4 months to get here...) so now I have intarweb in my barracks tho, which gives me something to do besides the gym in my spare time. As such I reactivated my acct for the low low price of 29.99 for a year's worth of... should i call it service? That makes me think of handjobs in dirty massage parlors... we'll go with membership. Yea, that sounds better.
Anyways, on top of that I have two kids now. Which pretty much scares the shit outta me, and also scares away all but the koolest women. I've found it's a very convenient way to find more mature women(to me at least, at the grand old age of 21).
I also gained about 20 lbs from being a gym dork. I dislike not using my time appropriately, so during my training before getting out here, and while I'm out here, I've been making use of the weightlifting facilities. Now that I've got intarweb, that'll probably get cut back significantly, but we'll see. I'm still a skinny white boy at heart tho.
What else... hrmm... my new tattoo. Which I designed and got all in about 5 hours... which just happened to be on the day before I left for Iraq, heh. It's a tribal styled ankh circling my nipple with some more tribal trailing down my ribs. The ankh, as far back as I traced when I looked into it awhile ago, was commonely the sign of Isis, an Egyptian goddess who put her husband(Osiris) back together when he was hacked apart by Set(or Anubis, but I think it was Set). The symbol has since come to mean immortal life, and is commonly used in vampire culture/mythology. I put the head of the ankh around my left nipple, which should be relatively near my heart. A symbol of immortality near my heart before I got deployed to Iraq... I know... I know... cheesy, but suck it. I luv it. Oddly enough getting tattooed within a half inch of your nipple feels like the tat is right on your nipple. Even more amazing, getting tattooed around your nipple will make you horny. Or at least it did for me... I'm not sure why, but it kinda felt nice. I'll have to explore that some time.
I think the last change, which I don't think anyone else would notice anyways... was that I bought and shipped an acoustic guitar out here. I normally play the electric bass, so it's been a chore re-learning my finger placement, but it's been well worthwhile. A very rewarding 200$.
Eat that update.
However, my Marine Reserves unit got activated and I'm currently in Iraq. We bought a satellite intarweb service tho(it only took 4 months to get here...) so now I have intarweb in my barracks tho, which gives me something to do besides the gym in my spare time. As such I reactivated my acct for the low low price of 29.99 for a year's worth of... should i call it service? That makes me think of handjobs in dirty massage parlors... we'll go with membership. Yea, that sounds better.
Anyways, on top of that I have two kids now. Which pretty much scares the shit outta me, and also scares away all but the koolest women. I've found it's a very convenient way to find more mature women(to me at least, at the grand old age of 21).
I also gained about 20 lbs from being a gym dork. I dislike not using my time appropriately, so during my training before getting out here, and while I'm out here, I've been making use of the weightlifting facilities. Now that I've got intarweb, that'll probably get cut back significantly, but we'll see. I'm still a skinny white boy at heart tho.
What else... hrmm... my new tattoo. Which I designed and got all in about 5 hours... which just happened to be on the day before I left for Iraq, heh. It's a tribal styled ankh circling my nipple with some more tribal trailing down my ribs. The ankh, as far back as I traced when I looked into it awhile ago, was commonely the sign of Isis, an Egyptian goddess who put her husband(Osiris) back together when he was hacked apart by Set(or Anubis, but I think it was Set). The symbol has since come to mean immortal life, and is commonly used in vampire culture/mythology. I put the head of the ankh around my left nipple, which should be relatively near my heart. A symbol of immortality near my heart before I got deployed to Iraq... I know... I know... cheesy, but suck it. I luv it. Oddly enough getting tattooed within a half inch of your nipple feels like the tat is right on your nipple. Even more amazing, getting tattooed around your nipple will make you horny. Or at least it did for me... I'm not sure why, but it kinda felt nice. I'll have to explore that some time.
I think the last change, which I don't think anyone else would notice anyways... was that I bought and shipped an acoustic guitar out here. I normally play the electric bass, so it's been a chore re-learning my finger placement, but it's been well worthwhile. A very rewarding 200$.
Eat that update.
Also, I noticed you're in the Latino group, what decent are you? I'm in that too.