So someone either donated moneys for me to return, or sg felt like they wanted to entice me. I'm betting on the latter, but thanks either way to mah mysterious benefactor. Unfortunately, I just kinda grew away from sg, and if you wanna get ahold of me, I'd reccomend sending me a pm asking for other contact methods, cause I'm probably gonna forget all about...
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hokay. 1000$ car expense? credited. 50$ WoW expansion(teh BC)? credited. The only question I have now is, where can i find a hooker who takes credit cards and doesn't mind living under my desk while I catch up with the bastards who could get the expansion at midnite? Difficult question isn't it? Feel free to post suggestions.
And if you read this? you have to...
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And if you read this? you have to...
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happy valentine's day!

fat asian.
my car broke. 1000 dollars worth of broke. that's a lotta yen. goodbye xmas, didn't like u much anyways.
haha Nice.
I hated having to kill the Kodo who was walking around TB for a quest...
I hated having to kill the Kodo who was walking around TB for a quest...

I spent all of yesterday cleaning and riding bikes with tyler. it pretty much roxed. now it's back to finals. suck.
oh, and my new BMF gloves came in the mail. they own faces.
oh, and my new BMF gloves came in the mail. they own faces.
do you guys live together now?
I spent all of yesterday cleaning and riding bikes with tyler. it pretty much ownd. now it's back to finals. suck.
So i just found out that I missed a suicide girls show here in lil ole ames iowa. I'm a lil disappointed to say the least. Oh well though, I probably wouldn't have gone anyways, heh. I'm such a shut in sometimes.
Oh, ya. What do you guys think of and ? I preferred the latter myself, in fact I rarely agreed with...
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Oh, ya. What do you guys think of and ? I preferred the latter myself, in fact I rarely agreed with...
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yeah, I agree with the second one too. I especially like number thirty-four:
Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself.
Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself.

I wanna tell you each of my secret things,
but I'm too scared to show you how
this mockingbird sings.
Too scared of what you'll think or what you'll do,
scared you don't feel the same about me,
as I feel about you.
I need to werk on the rythm, any suggestions?
but I'm too scared to show you how
this mockingbird sings.
Too scared of what you'll think or what you'll do,
scared you don't feel the same about me,
as I feel about you.
I need to werk on the rythm, any suggestions?
there was sooooo much drinking, and Halloween hasn't even happened yet. I'm gonna album whore... lookit the halloween '06 album... i swear you'll luv it.
there was sooooo much drinking, and Halloween hasn't even happened yet. I'm gonna album whore... lookit the halloween '06 album... i swear you'll luv it.
well, i'm used to cold.

those are parts of my festival project so it's supposed to be like that, yeah.

ha! even if I still worked at the burrito, I wouldn't share my free shift burrito with you! but... that's only cuz I've been craving a flying burrito for the last two and a half months. ::tummy growls::
schools going good. besides the fact that I got an 89.4% in my first class and my professor/chef guy said I could write a 500 word paper and then when I turned it in he found out that he actually couldn't change my grade. fucker. and Western Culinary doesn't do +'s and -'s. so I got a straight fucking B. it's retarded that I get the same grade as someone who got an 80%. but I'm kicking ass in my breads class - hopefully I'll get an A.
my dreads turn one year old next month! I trimmed the stringy ends a few months back and they're tightening up a lot, so they really don't seem like they've grown a lot. they're just past my shoulders. but I've dyed a few - blonde, black, and burgundy. it's hot.
schools going good. besides the fact that I got an 89.4% in my first class and my professor/chef guy said I could write a 500 word paper and then when I turned it in he found out that he actually couldn't change my grade. fucker. and Western Culinary doesn't do +'s and -'s. so I got a straight fucking B. it's retarded that I get the same grade as someone who got an 80%. but I'm kicking ass in my breads class - hopefully I'll get an A.
my dreads turn one year old next month! I trimmed the stringy ends a few months back and they're tightening up a lot, so they really don't seem like they've grown a lot. they're just past my shoulders. but I've dyed a few - blonde, black, and burgundy. it's hot.

thank you darling, i won't stop.

aww, you look so studious. i didn't know you had glasses, they suit you, v sexy geek.