so girls night was o-so-much fun!!!
but... i wake up this morning to find that my jeep was broken into AGAIN!!! little fucking kids i'm sure. this time they stole a fuzzy zebra print trash bag- filled with trash, a bag full of old mixed tapes from high school that i just found, an ashtray's worth of mostly pennies and a cute pink box filled with gas receipts. really kids??? what the fuck do you want with that? and it is such a pain in the ass to zip up the window that they unzipped to get in. at least this time wasn't as bad as when they stole my hello kitty box full of client's keys. but i am still soooo pissed....i am seriously having bloody visions of beating the shit out of these kids.
but... i wake up this morning to find that my jeep was broken into AGAIN!!! little fucking kids i'm sure. this time they stole a fuzzy zebra print trash bag- filled with trash, a bag full of old mixed tapes from high school that i just found, an ashtray's worth of mostly pennies and a cute pink box filled with gas receipts. really kids??? what the fuck do you want with that? and it is such a pain in the ass to zip up the window that they unzipped to get in. at least this time wasn't as bad as when they stole my hello kitty box full of client's keys. but i am still soooo pissed....i am seriously having bloody visions of beating the shit out of these kids.
At least they didn't steal the whole thing...