I'm bored and tired. It feels like I went to the beach today because I was out in the sun all day long. It was hot and I loved it. Skirt, tank top, rock. Because I'm bored I'm taking pictures of myself and trying to figure out new hairdos for my growing out mohawk. I need to get the back cut off so it looks less mullety.
I keep putting the back into a little nub of a bun. It looks so silly.
I can't find a font I'm in love with for my new tattoo. It's going to be szabadsg, which means freedom in Hungarian. It's not the loveliest of words with bad and sag and a z in it but fuck it. It's the meaning that counts. Then I will start saving up or waiting for my friend to get done apprenticing for this
or this
Maybe I should go be productive or read or something. My eyes hurt though. Perhaps I'll shut them.

I can't find a font I'm in love with for my new tattoo. It's going to be szabadsg, which means freedom in Hungarian. It's not the loveliest of words with bad and sag and a z in it but fuck it. It's the meaning that counts. Then I will start saving up or waiting for my friend to get done apprenticing for this

I like the idea of the big party and all its charms. It's the whole gov thing that's got me squeamish about marriage.
(side note--- the fact is I never felt strongly enough to even consider tying the knot---so I really don't know what I'm talkin' about)
I LOVE that picture of you.
szabadsg is LOVELY. And cool.