Woo-Hoo. Urban PetSitters, that being Piratedog's and my company are featured in the 60 seconds column in the Metro today
I hate my picture. Oh well at least there were no references to diarrhea.
I'm very excited about this weekend!!! Tonight is the Big Mess Cabaret and tomorrow I'm going to Rochester to see some friends and drink some free beer at a skatepark. weeee... we have the weekend off!!!!
Today, however, will kind of suck as I have soooo much to do to prepare for a new housemate.
I should probably do some x-mas shopping too. Ok time to kick some ass on the house.

I'm very excited about this weekend!!! Tonight is the Big Mess Cabaret and tomorrow I'm going to Rochester to see some friends and drink some free beer at a skatepark. weeee... we have the weekend off!!!!
Today, however, will kind of suck as I have soooo much to do to prepare for a new housemate.
I should probably do some x-mas shopping too. Ok time to kick some ass on the house.
I havn't seen the Metro. That's fun.
Rochester in December? Are you crazy?
Have fun up there. I do really miss it sometimes though not this time of year.