20 Things about Piratecat, as requested by Piratedog
1. I have had nine jobs in my lifetime. Five of the businesses that previously employed me no longer exist.
2. I collect old Pyrex. I need the yellow and green nesting bowls to complete my primary colors set.
3. I take lemon and sugar in my hot or cold tea and whiskey if the time is right. Cream in tea is gross.
4. I cook dinner almost every night and do the dishes the next morning while the coffee brews.
5. I saw Nirvana when I was 15
6. I grew up in a house with five miniature dachshunds and one cat.
7. I still have my tonsils and appendix but Im missing four wisdom teeth, one molar and the tip of my right front tooth.
8. I just made my first apple pipe and I will soon use it.
9. I have been to Hawaii and Spain
10. I feed squirrels mixed nuts and always feel guilty when I give them peanuts over cashews and almonds.
11. Soap, especially Ivory, makes me break out into a giant rash
12. My natural hair color is dark ash blonde
13. There is no cartilage in the tip of my nose so you can squeeze it together. Its my favorite party trick
14. I was baptized Byzantine catholic.
15. I have over one hundred pairs of socks
16. I have four cats. Their names are Ipacac, Easter, Big Nose and Flea.
17. I am a complete and total slob and very much wish that I wasnt.
18. I fucking hate it when people drive in the rain without their lights.
19. I love stationary and notebooks and pens and journals and whatnot.
20. I really like to please people though I am often much nicer to strangers and an evil cunt to my friends. Luckily my friends are pretty rad and put up with me because I make a kick-ass samich.
Mr_Alfa , CaptainTact , stupidpony
1. I have had nine jobs in my lifetime. Five of the businesses that previously employed me no longer exist.
2. I collect old Pyrex. I need the yellow and green nesting bowls to complete my primary colors set.
3. I take lemon and sugar in my hot or cold tea and whiskey if the time is right. Cream in tea is gross.
4. I cook dinner almost every night and do the dishes the next morning while the coffee brews.
5. I saw Nirvana when I was 15
6. I grew up in a house with five miniature dachshunds and one cat.
7. I still have my tonsils and appendix but Im missing four wisdom teeth, one molar and the tip of my right front tooth.
8. I just made my first apple pipe and I will soon use it.
9. I have been to Hawaii and Spain
10. I feed squirrels mixed nuts and always feel guilty when I give them peanuts over cashews and almonds.
11. Soap, especially Ivory, makes me break out into a giant rash
12. My natural hair color is dark ash blonde
13. There is no cartilage in the tip of my nose so you can squeeze it together. Its my favorite party trick
14. I was baptized Byzantine catholic.
15. I have over one hundred pairs of socks
16. I have four cats. Their names are Ipacac, Easter, Big Nose and Flea.

17. I am a complete and total slob and very much wish that I wasnt.
18. I fucking hate it when people drive in the rain without their lights.
19. I love stationary and notebooks and pens and journals and whatnot.
20. I really like to please people though I am often much nicer to strangers and an evil cunt to my friends. Luckily my friends are pretty rad and put up with me because I make a kick-ass samich.
Mr_Alfa , CaptainTact , stupidpony
Thank you for including me.