So apparently today is international womens day. I found this out after seeing countless post about it on ig. I guess its a women's rights thing.. Idk. The thing bothering me and what i dont understand is why are so many girls celebrating this like its a good thing? March 8th isnt our day everyday is our day dont settle for one day it the yr seize all 365 as your day we are women and we rock!
@missy @lyxzen @rambo @charmaine
Love this! So true!!
For the defensive anti-feminist men out there (including my son, unfortunately) who whine about there being an International Women's Day, but no International Men's Day, I have a better idea. I think there should be at least 183 International Women's days every year. That would provide a better balance than the status quo. Imagine, just one Women's Day every year! It reminds me of this scene from the original Disney version of Alice In Wonderland. Mad Hatter: "Statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday." March Hare: "Imagine, just one birthday every year!" Mad Hatter: "Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty-four unbirthdays"; March Hare: "Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer!" Alice: "Well, then, it's my un-birthday, too." And that's why there is precisely one International Women's Day. Because there are already 364 International Men's Days. So let's split the days down the middle and have a roughly equal number of days dedicated to each of the sexes. If, as a world, we could start living more by women's values, I think this world would be a happier place. As it is, women will continue to have to fight for every single gain. And for a pro-woman man, that pisses me off.