Well I have finally been pushed over the EDGE!!! I came down my stairs this morning and I was terrified.... My room mates boyfriend ( my best friend ) has a 7 ft long python and it has been missing in our walls for 3 weeks now. I noticed that my dining room table was a little distraught and completely torn apart this morning... And when I noticed that half of the snakes body was on top of it and the other half over the edge that was furthest from me I knew this would not be good... The stupid snake killed my hamster... I have a dwarf hamster that I have had for about 1yr and a half.... His cage was all torn around and he was lying dead on the floor...I couldn't really look at it but once I noticed he was dead that's all I needed.. Well I am not trying to be too descriptive but I loved my Hamster... I know its just a Hamster but it was my pet and I loved him....
I need a stiff drink
I noticed something a while ago and have been thinking about it ever since. There is a certain level of intimacy, a closeness, an understanding that can only be reached with a person you're not fucking. There's something about sex that gets in the way, especially if that person is your signifigant other, not just a fuck buddy. I'm not saying you can't be close to your boy/girlfriend. I'm saying you're close to them in a different way than you are with someone you don't fuck. I think it has something to do with not being able to communicate physically. All you can use is words. Often times you want to be physically intimate with them and when you can't you have to find some other way to be close. All my closest friends are guys with whom I never had the chance to pursue a sexual relationship, and if given the chance I wouldn't do things any differently. The relationships I have mean too much.
Career Opportunities... (ahhhh to be locked away in a Traget!)

I need a stiff drink

I noticed something a while ago and have been thinking about it ever since. There is a certain level of intimacy, a closeness, an understanding that can only be reached with a person you're not fucking. There's something about sex that gets in the way, especially if that person is your signifigant other, not just a fuck buddy. I'm not saying you can't be close to your boy/girlfriend. I'm saying you're close to them in a different way than you are with someone you don't fuck. I think it has something to do with not being able to communicate physically. All you can use is words. Often times you want to be physically intimate with them and when you can't you have to find some other way to be close. All my closest friends are guys with whom I never had the chance to pursue a sexual relationship, and if given the chance I wouldn't do things any differently. The relationships I have mean too much.
Career Opportunities... (ahhhh to be locked away in a Traget!)

ok because its a holiday.... and i bet kissing her would make you see fireworks ...

Fuck that sucks.
I'm so sorry! I know how much pets mean to us, and it's horrible when we lose one. I'm so so so sorry. I would have killed that fucking snake and made soup out of it. Seriously. In fact, I've been meaning to search Chinatown to look for a place that sells snake soup so I can try it. Maybe I can just come visit now and make some myself!