So yesterday I decided to go to Berkely to do a little shopping.... I walked in to this place called BUCKLES and the minute my foot reached inside the store I was surrounded by 2 girls and 1 guy.... Now I am not one that likes to be bothered when I am getting shit done but for some reason I found this to be a little erotic... The 2 girls were asking about my tattoos and the one guy was questioning where I work, live, do for fun, etc.. And as I am walking around looking at fits I liked, grinning at what the hell these people were thinking, I noticed that one of the girls was touching one of my tats on my neck.

Then she proceded to pull her pants down from around her waste to show me hers... Ummm hey cashier, your ass was totally showing!!!

I mean what's with people sometimes, I felt like either A) I was in some wierd Britney Spears set and the lights were going to fall from the ceiling, Britney was going to come and start singing Slave or B) I was at some wierd party where everyone there was on ecstacy... It was definitely something that will be sticking around in my thoughts... My mind gets so overloaded with signals sometimes that I get lost in confusion. Can someone please tell me if there are really people out there that take their jobs that seriously ...?? I mean 3 kids in one clothing store? Seems a bit much. Don't get me wrong I love attention and I most definitely got a kick out of this...
So other than that I'm just counting down the hours until Saturday- I get to hang out with Giuliana

and StinkyTrucks

, .. and maybe we can even convince some other members to come out and ramapage with us... You know who you are!!
ciao for now

Just as long as I am cute enough to dry hump...i can live with it
Ever seen atmosphere live?