My body is betraying me. I have terrible pain in every joint of my body. My ankles have been swollen for almost 2 weeks and when you press on the it's like pressing into silly putty. It leaves a deep indent and it's so damn disturbing. I went to urgent care yesterday morning. They did some chest xrays for my cough and could'nt figure out what was causing the swelling or joint pain. I do have bronchitis
atleast that is one thing figured out. I went in this morning for some blood work and Tuesday I go in for an ultrasound of my pelvis and my ankles. Guess they want to rule out fibroid tumors.
I try not to google anything like joint pain or swollen ankles because then I just scare myself
Just the simple task of buttoning my pants causes such pain. On a light note the kitchen is almost done.
We went and bought the paint today and the colors are a bright yellow, bright orange. And everything will be accented with a deep wine color
I feel for my poor husband because I cannot work like I want to. I have to take a lot of breaks. He's the best (most of the time)

Awww I hope you get better
Oh god, I'm sorry hun. I hope you can get fixed up soon. Get better!