I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel about things. Not really sure where my relationship is going. Right now it's okay with a shrug of my shoulders and raised eyebrows. He's so angry all the time and that tends to get a little upsetting. Ecspecially when it's anger over silly stuff like someone not making a right turn at a red light. Now really is that anything to raise your blood pressure over. The dogs and I are tiptoeing around the house worried he is going to explode. It's all very bothersome. In 9 days I leave for Texas and I'm very excited to get away. So for now I'm just counting the days and hours until my departure. And I'm sending silent prayers to any God above, below and all around to bring me back from Texas to a happy home.
I think you should knock him out, put a gimp mask and ball gag on him, chain him up in the basement ... and go enjoy your life
i really hope it gets better