so last night was so long...i woke up with a small hang over that lasted the whole soon as i got out of bed the phone would not stop ringing.had to run out to town to do something for my father,which i didnt mind but i was just a little to off yesterday that i shouldn't have been driveing,but i made it o.k.......(i'll skip the other boring part.)got bored with friends and now i have a mohawk.i was trying to grow it out but yeah i couldn't help myself.went to a punk show that i was taking photo was fun but one of the band started to shoot silly string at the crowd and that made the floors so slippery that alot of people fell.and to top it all off some stupid person slamed there fucking head into the back of mine really hard and that gave me a head ache all night.after that i got so pissed that i put down my camera and went into the mash pit to take out my angry....after that i had to work the bar at this club,the other bar girl was sick so i pretty much ran it most of the night.made really good tips,about sixty bucks or so.i wasn't going to stay that long i think i got out of there about three o'clock but theres another girl that takes over when it turns into after hours.but of course she was sick also but didnt call till the last mintue.i worked till i was about to drop then had to wake up the first girl which didnt look good at all and had her finish the feet sill hurt for being on them for hours.
I am impatient to see your new hairstyle
If you need a foot rub . . . . Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!