i haven't been around in a long time, i know. shit has been crazy, in a bad way but it's getting better. i started working at one of the coolest bars down here, anna banana's, as a cocktail waitress and sometimes door person. which has been really fun. it's been getting me out alot more which is a very good thing because i'm tried of being a homebody, but , and this ones on the fence here, i've been drinking alot more, almost every night. but whatever it's good times. i've moved away from town, which is so sad because thats where all my people and places are, i'm not to far away thou. i'm still not done moving, there's crap everywhere. and i haven't been tattooing because all my guns and supplies were covered by piles and piles of shit. but i just got to them the other day, so i'm back in business. i still have to get another job or really start making some money on some side jobs, which i'm leaning towards the second idea. now i just got to do it. so to all those classic comic and record collectors i have a bunch of gold i'm sitting on. so once i post them, mostly likely on ebay, i'll put up a post on what i'm selling, i'll be doing them in a themed way and the name i'll be going through. so that's pretty much it, i've been really busy and just taking one day at a time, which is odd i'm a very planned person, but i think this readjusting of my life and things up in the air is working pretty good so far. theres craziness at all points of my life, and yeah sure it's taking it's toll on my me sometimes but i'm doing good no worries. and hopefully i get to do a set soon, i don't know when but hopefully soon, i want to make it good, no thrown together ones. ok i'm done need to start my day.
needless to say I am extraordinarily pissed off, embarrassed, and want to put holes in something. i don't think drinking might be a good idea for me tonight!! sorry, dont want you to think no one here gives a shit. I can try wednesday for a bit.
like i said, lame. sorry.