so last night my suspension crew and i had to perform and it was interesting, in a bad started off with me and my boyfriend disagreeing for a bit but we finally got down to the shop to meet up with everybody else..did the peircings, then we were gonna go, but his car got we jumped in with everybody else..we got the car later..we got down there set everything up..i did a four-point knee, and thats when it started..there was another show up stair in the same venue and those people were kind of being mean yelling out the window..and really upset one of the girls in the group ..but that wasn't the straw that broke the camels back....there was a few other people that were bugging us too, but this one jackass decide to jump on are tripod (no one was on it at the moment) so i got the bouncer..he came out with me and he wasn't getting the guy to leave so i got into it, telling the guy to get fuck out of here...he called me a cunt or bitch or something, i heard bothbut i cant remember which one was first so my boyfriend (hooks still in him) got in his face and before i know whats happening my crew of 8 were ready to jump the fucker...he was finally taken away but that was the end of the night for us...we were all really upset and angry after...the funny thing was the best come back he had was calling us circus freaks, it was pretty lame...the one thing im most mad about was that he got me so angry that i rised my voice be on the yelling voice, it was more of screaming then anything else..and i reslly dont like doing that, only a few people have heard it the tone and its not not to mad today after a good nights sleep but i keep thinking back on it and laughing because it was before that guy start being a dick, somebody gave me some ballons which i passed them off to my boyfriend so when that went down and he steped up for me he was still holding them and it was just a weird and funny sight..anyways there was some good people there i cant say everybody was being like that...but that was the first show were it was getting out of control...well thats it i have to go and host a show...bye
no i sit at a desk all night as "security" i have yet to actually do any thing other than read and eat

the second he called you a cunt he would have been bleeding... promise...