ahhhh..another evening at coffee talk....shitty coffee but great wireless connection....sorry about the last lame journal...there was stuff to report, but i got stoned...which seems to happen to a lot of my journal...but anyways...i've been pretty busy and burnt out latey...i had an intreview with hart and huntington...which i believe went well...i just wish i was a little more dressed up for it...i guess thats what i get for not believeing my friend when he told me about it....so i got my fingers crossed for that....and ill be holding them like that for the next couple of months till they call me back...other than that i'm planning to put on an art show next month...so all you oahu people please try to show up, it should be good...im still working on some of the details of it, but when the time comes ill put up all the info...and now for all the people were interested (and hopefully still are) in getting a tattoo from me, you should be happy to know that my equipment will be coming in the next couple of days, which means my set-up will be up in about a week...
ok.... I got a few I want done... on I need the wing finished on my angle. 2 I would like a similar tat on left rib of a demon chick holding a 50cal mashin gun. 3 I got a pieace on my back(Hippy getting stabed in gut by punk soldier(mohawk)). Right arm, military. left hippy theme. Also toying with Idea of Pitbull with dog tags that say MOSH
Thank you for the sweet comment on my new set!