This week in fantasy football:
Week 3:
I beat my girlfriend. It's not as fun playing her since she's been here. It's not as fun playing her since we've been dating. We used to make bets (as you all know!), we used to taunt and tease each other all week, and heck it was a blast! It probably lead to us getting together too and that is a very very good thing. I just miss that a bit. I wouldn't go back to being single with ehr out there for anything and if this is a price to pay please ignore this whole paragraph.
I love her.
I beat 7deuce, by 17.5 points. He forgot to put his kicker in the game and his kicker scored 18 points. You do the math.
So in the SGFF league I'm in first place 3-0.
In the SG Fantasy Football league I'm 2-1 and in 6th place of 12.
I had an amzing birthday. Spent the day with my woman at Wizard World Boston. Did not have much money but enjoyed the show anyway! Say some great art, some intersting costumes and basically revelled in being a huge dork! Thank you for all your birthday wishes!
Rest of october brings the Burlesque show on the 12th, our 1 year anny on the 17th, Hell-o-ween on the 22nd and damn that's alot of $$ I do not have.
Not going to stop me though, i'll find a way to pay for it all.
Week 3:
I beat my girlfriend. It's not as fun playing her since she's been here. It's not as fun playing her since we've been dating. We used to make bets (as you all know!), we used to taunt and tease each other all week, and heck it was a blast! It probably lead to us getting together too and that is a very very good thing. I just miss that a bit. I wouldn't go back to being single with ehr out there for anything and if this is a price to pay please ignore this whole paragraph.

I beat 7deuce, by 17.5 points. He forgot to put his kicker in the game and his kicker scored 18 points. You do the math.
So in the SGFF league I'm in first place 3-0.
In the SG Fantasy Football league I'm 2-1 and in 6th place of 12.
I had an amzing birthday. Spent the day with my woman at Wizard World Boston. Did not have much money but enjoyed the show anyway! Say some great art, some intersting costumes and basically revelled in being a huge dork! Thank you for all your birthday wishes!
Rest of october brings the Burlesque show on the 12th, our 1 year anny on the 17th, Hell-o-ween on the 22nd and damn that's alot of $$ I do not have.

Happy Anniversary, eh.