Quoting Judge Stanley F. Birch, “Generally, the definition of an a activist judge is one who decides the outcome of a controversy before him according to personal conviction, even one sincerely held, as opposed to the dictates of the law as constrained by legal precedent and, ultimately, our Constitution. In resolving the Schiavo controversy it is my judgment,” he continues” that despite the sincere and altruistic motivation, the legislative and executive branches of government have acted in a manner demonstrably at odds with our Founding Father‘s blueprint for governance of a fee people—our Constitution.”
Take that fascist pigs!
Anyway, I am feeling better. It's beautiful outside, and I'm wearing my chucks for the first time this year.
Go say something nice/interesting to my Mylf, she's bored at work right now and is suffering from obscene amounts of stress.
SIN CITY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all. Later guys.
Take that fascist pigs!
Anyway, I am feeling better. It's beautiful outside, and I'm wearing my chucks for the first time this year.
Go say something nice/interesting to my Mylf, she's bored at work right now and is suffering from obscene amounts of stress.
SIN CITY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is all. Later guys.
I'm not sure if your pitching was worse than my hitting, but both were terrible.