I have an SG small world story! Yeah so I'm a supporting member in the cast of the story, but I'm in it!
Tell me your SG small world story. Hopefully Bailey will read this and share hers.
How was my vacation?
A-fucking-maz-ing. I cannot properly do justice with my weak words to all the beauty and mind blowing things I saw and did while in Maui. How do you tell someone that you saw where god tested uses for the color green? Seriously you know when someone is looking to paint their kitchen and they have a wall they have painted little patches of different colors to helpthem decide and there are like 4 different color yellows there? Well imagine that, but with green, and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SHADE OF GREEN THAT YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE GROWING OUT OF THE GROUND.
This journal will be scattered and random, you should be used to this by now if you are a regular here. If not then strap yourself in and go along for the ride. Oh and yes a certain someone will be editing this for typos and errors. I may or may not deny her the chance to point out my flaws.
The road to hana, as partially described above was mind blowingly beautiful. Words fail. Switchback after switchback. View after view, so many view that they decided to stop cutting out places to stop. Don't worry the next 1/2 mile is just as good. You almost get jaded. Spoiled. The best views require a hike. We did not bring our hiking shoes and sandals are not good on slippery rock. So we did not hike as much as we would have liked, but that's ok because we only had one day. Had we time to stay overnight and could spend the proper 2 days on that road to hit each stop and hike each trail then I'd be pissed if I did not have hiking shoes on. But I saw waterfalls, not the OHMYFUCKINGOD waterfalls, but just beautiful ones that I could not see anywhere on the mainland. We saw fake trees, they were real but damn they looked fake. I cannot even tell you how this view can make you feel. It reeally does go way beyond my ability to describe. I thank my girl for driving this road for me, on a standard. It allowed me to enjoy the road in a way I would not have been able to otherwise.
She has the timeline go read her journal for some semblance of continuity. Again she drove, in a standard. A 1990 s10 beat to hell pick-up. A skill worthy of applause. Again I thank her, it allowed to enjoy the vew up the side of this 10,000ft mountain. Again so beautiful, glad we did this first though! We got to see a few Nene, the endangered state bird of Hawaii. You could see the clouds rolling in through the gap, you could see off to another island (the big one or oahu I cannot remember) but you could see 2 SNOW covered peaks of that island. It was cloudy on the ride down so we did not get nearly as many shots as we wanted but that's ok, I sure the hell wasn't going to ask her to pull over on the way up while she was miraculously making it up the mountain. You can see where the two sides of Maui come together in this pinch point on the island. The two coasts seem so close together. It seemed like such a small strip of land from way up there.
So touristy but not in a bad way. Any strip that has as many art galleries as it does cheesy t-shirt shops is not low class and trappy. The walk to the Jodo Mission was a bit much and a taxi should have been taken or a bike rented. But I made the most of it and it was beautiful. The whale watch was mind blowing. I got one very good video on my camera. Got 80% of a full breach. Came out great. Got some other good vids of the momma and the her calf. Saw every type of whale thing you could want, we even had one pass right underneath our boat. Even the crew of the boat that do this 4-5 times a day were genuinely excited. Worst part was getting sunburned on the tops of my feet. Well worht the price. YES on the tops of my feet. I don't usually wear sandals, even in the summer, so that part of my skin was not used to the sun and I did not re-apply sunblock. Over-all it was my ONLY sunburn so I'll take that! The Banyon tree was beautiful. To imagine a mess of branches and roots coming out of the grounds and climbing sideways through midair, a surrealist painter could not have invisioned something as bizarre. Damn thing offers nearly and acre of shade!
At the aquarium. all the pretty little fishies. and turtles and sharks and a very nice time. We had to cut a bit short but that's ok. It was a nice afternoon anyway.
Valentine's day.
We did nothing special. But it was still the best valentines day that either of us ever had. I apologize to everyone I promised valentines to. they did not make it out. I wish I had a good excuse, but I suck. Valentines day was special because I finally had someone special to share it with. Soemone I care so much about. And those of you that know me udnerstand that I am not at all opposed to sandbagging. So next year's vd will be something more, and better.
Wow, it was exactly as expected but so much much better. Great dancing, great food. GREAT COMPANY. They played with fire, they had coconut bras, they were having fun and it was a good time. The sunset was WOWOWOWOWOWOW. So worth it. Oh and can I just take this time to suggest when visiting hawaii stay with a local if you can. one word: kama'aina. Discount most touristy places give to those who live in Hawaii. Saved nearly half on the Luau. And almost as much no the whale watch. Made the trip far less expensive, oh and nevermind not having a hotel room to pay for. Yeah good stuff! That and people's faces light up when they hear the words, "Oh I live here". All of a sudden you lose the tourist tag when you are with a local.
I am such a lucky man. I am thankful and happy and have no idea what i'm doing with a woman as beautiful and amazing as she. But I'll take it and run. Heck we traded books while Iw as there, how awesome is that? That and well the other stuff was mind blowing. She is outta my league so I need to work to make sure I keep her.
I can't waint for her to move out this way so I can see her anytime I want.
The cute little blone kid
what can I say, Im his friend not his moms.
I brought some extra clothes to pay my booty tax in advance and she gladly took them.
Well one morning we were driving him to daycarre and she was wearing one of my track jackets, he looks t her and says, "That's Philip's give it back!" I know I have the quote wrong so I'll let her correct it, just understand it was the cutest thing EVER! Bro's before ho's, he already knows. No dear you are not a ho, it's just an expression.
And again he saved me from a teary goodbye at the airport. Not that I hate tears it's just that I can't hold them back if she's crying. If she let's them rip then I'm done. Any guy understands the power of female tears. Kills us everytime.
I miss her so much. I'm glad to be home, but I wanted to stuff her in my bag and throw him up in the overhead compartment so I could take them with me.
Pictures later.
We did get like 4 better couple pics than that awful one you've seen. They will get posted as soon as we can.
I did not get laundry done and did not pick up comics for this update to get done, fucking enjoy it!

How was my vacation?
A-fucking-maz-ing. I cannot properly do justice with my weak words to all the beauty and mind blowing things I saw and did while in Maui. How do you tell someone that you saw where god tested uses for the color green? Seriously you know when someone is looking to paint their kitchen and they have a wall they have painted little patches of different colors to helpthem decide and there are like 4 different color yellows there? Well imagine that, but with green, and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SHADE OF GREEN THAT YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE GROWING OUT OF THE GROUND.
This journal will be scattered and random, you should be used to this by now if you are a regular here. If not then strap yourself in and go along for the ride. Oh and yes a certain someone will be editing this for typos and errors. I may or may not deny her the chance to point out my flaws.

The road to hana, as partially described above was mind blowingly beautiful. Words fail. Switchback after switchback. View after view, so many view that they decided to stop cutting out places to stop. Don't worry the next 1/2 mile is just as good. You almost get jaded. Spoiled. The best views require a hike. We did not bring our hiking shoes and sandals are not good on slippery rock. So we did not hike as much as we would have liked, but that's ok because we only had one day. Had we time to stay overnight and could spend the proper 2 days on that road to hit each stop and hike each trail then I'd be pissed if I did not have hiking shoes on. But I saw waterfalls, not the OHMYFUCKINGOD waterfalls, but just beautiful ones that I could not see anywhere on the mainland. We saw fake trees, they were real but damn they looked fake. I cannot even tell you how this view can make you feel. It reeally does go way beyond my ability to describe. I thank my girl for driving this road for me, on a standard. It allowed me to enjoy the road in a way I would not have been able to otherwise.
She has the timeline go read her journal for some semblance of continuity. Again she drove, in a standard. A 1990 s10 beat to hell pick-up. A skill worthy of applause. Again I thank her, it allowed to enjoy the vew up the side of this 10,000ft mountain. Again so beautiful, glad we did this first though! We got to see a few Nene, the endangered state bird of Hawaii. You could see the clouds rolling in through the gap, you could see off to another island (the big one or oahu I cannot remember) but you could see 2 SNOW covered peaks of that island. It was cloudy on the ride down so we did not get nearly as many shots as we wanted but that's ok, I sure the hell wasn't going to ask her to pull over on the way up while she was miraculously making it up the mountain. You can see where the two sides of Maui come together in this pinch point on the island. The two coasts seem so close together. It seemed like such a small strip of land from way up there.
So touristy but not in a bad way. Any strip that has as many art galleries as it does cheesy t-shirt shops is not low class and trappy. The walk to the Jodo Mission was a bit much and a taxi should have been taken or a bike rented. But I made the most of it and it was beautiful. The whale watch was mind blowing. I got one very good video on my camera. Got 80% of a full breach. Came out great. Got some other good vids of the momma and the her calf. Saw every type of whale thing you could want, we even had one pass right underneath our boat. Even the crew of the boat that do this 4-5 times a day were genuinely excited. Worst part was getting sunburned on the tops of my feet. Well worht the price. YES on the tops of my feet. I don't usually wear sandals, even in the summer, so that part of my skin was not used to the sun and I did not re-apply sunblock. Over-all it was my ONLY sunburn so I'll take that! The Banyon tree was beautiful. To imagine a mess of branches and roots coming out of the grounds and climbing sideways through midair, a surrealist painter could not have invisioned something as bizarre. Damn thing offers nearly and acre of shade!
At the aquarium. all the pretty little fishies. and turtles and sharks and a very nice time. We had to cut a bit short but that's ok. It was a nice afternoon anyway.
Valentine's day.
We did nothing special. But it was still the best valentines day that either of us ever had. I apologize to everyone I promised valentines to. they did not make it out. I wish I had a good excuse, but I suck. Valentines day was special because I finally had someone special to share it with. Soemone I care so much about. And those of you that know me udnerstand that I am not at all opposed to sandbagging. So next year's vd will be something more, and better.
Wow, it was exactly as expected but so much much better. Great dancing, great food. GREAT COMPANY. They played with fire, they had coconut bras, they were having fun and it was a good time. The sunset was WOWOWOWOWOWOW. So worth it. Oh and can I just take this time to suggest when visiting hawaii stay with a local if you can. one word: kama'aina. Discount most touristy places give to those who live in Hawaii. Saved nearly half on the Luau. And almost as much no the whale watch. Made the trip far less expensive, oh and nevermind not having a hotel room to pay for. Yeah good stuff! That and people's faces light up when they hear the words, "Oh I live here". All of a sudden you lose the tourist tag when you are with a local.
I am such a lucky man. I am thankful and happy and have no idea what i'm doing with a woman as beautiful and amazing as she. But I'll take it and run. Heck we traded books while Iw as there, how awesome is that? That and well the other stuff was mind blowing. She is outta my league so I need to work to make sure I keep her.

The cute little blone kid
what can I say, Im his friend not his moms.

I miss her so much. I'm glad to be home, but I wanted to stuff her in my bag and throw him up in the overhead compartment so I could take them with me.

Pictures later.
We did get like 4 better couple pics than that awful one you've seen. They will get posted as soon as we can.
I did not get laundry done and did not pick up comics for this update to get done, fucking enjoy it!
you really should know better than to think I'll overreact to a comment by now...
Im seriously happy for you. I better be in the wedding.