Yeah so I completely ruined the surprise aspect of my gf's xmas gift. *doh!* I'm just not used to having someone to talk to everyday. So when I got asked about what I got my gf for xmas at work last night after we closed and they laughed at me and made fun of me it rated high enough to be a story to tell her, except I told her too much of the story. Not the end of the world, and she's getting some other things as well.
My other dilema right now is that I bought the Watchmen trade paperback and I was wondering if I should wait until after the movie is made before I read it so that I can actually enjoy the movie (they'll ruin it, impossible not too from what I understand). Yeah like I can wait two years, hahahahahaha.
I found out the other day that Mission to Burma is opening for the Pixies on thursday. I am soooooo excited!!!!
Today's menu:
Small amount of grocery shopping: Done, but forget the butter.
Watch football: in progress, but my stupid fox affiliate is not showing the Eagles game.
Laundry: Am about to start. I swear!
Dishes: Halftimes activity. Again I swear! (NOT)
Call parents about xmas gift.
Call sister to confirm plans for thursday.
Yer Old Pal Pip
My other dilema right now is that I bought the Watchmen trade paperback and I was wondering if I should wait until after the movie is made before I read it so that I can actually enjoy the movie (they'll ruin it, impossible not too from what I understand). Yeah like I can wait two years, hahahahahaha.
I found out the other day that Mission to Burma is opening for the Pixies on thursday. I am soooooo excited!!!!
Today's menu:
Small amount of grocery shopping: Done, but forget the butter.
Watch football: in progress, but my stupid fox affiliate is not showing the Eagles game.

Laundry: Am about to start. I swear!
Dishes: Halftimes activity. Again I swear! (NOT)
Call parents about xmas gift.
Call sister to confirm plans for thursday.
Yer Old Pal Pip
lol. surprises are over rated anyway.
Yeah, due to your infulence I make and unseemly amount of typos