Ok, 2 days at the wapred tour. I am sunburned, tired, broke and very happy.
ok here we go:
1) I wish I had thought of this on Thursday! But On thursday people kept stopping Sid for various reasons and asking questions and taking pictures. At least 4 different times, PROFESSIONAL video people just started taking footage of her and following us for a bit. So on friday I kept score when people stopped her.
Corset piercings- 4
Boots - 3
Hair - 2
SG - 1
Random filming - 1
Wanted a photo - 1
The scores would ahve different had I kept score on Thursday, but man was she getting annoyed at me for this one day.
2) I did manage to grow the balls to ask the wicked security guard chick for her email address. She had a parade of guys hitting on her and she was getting annoyed. SO I thank sid for befriending her first and helping to make me look better.
3) I also managed to grow the balls to go up to Lars (and if you need to be told his last name or his band's name fuck off) and shake his hand. I nearly peed my pants while we were walking down the (turned off!) escalator connecting the press area with the craft food area and I saw him there! I shoke his hand and manage to say the only thing I could and something that mattered, "I just wanted to thank you for your music. I has meant a lot to me over the years." I could get nothing else out of my mouth. And Yes, Tim was near him but I could not talk to Tim.
4) Fletcher and Byron walked right by me. I did not realize it until after they passed and did not react in time before hit the "forbidden zone". Oh yeah we dod not have all-access passes just press/phot passes. It allowed us into the press area (and we had to walk through the craft food area to get there) It allowed us by the tour busses but not in the area just behind the two main stages.
5) FREE WATER! Holy shit you have no idea how important free water is. It was canned so it tasted funny but man who cares! It was warm most of the time, but I re-itterate WHO CARES! n I did save a can.
6) the guy doing the Punk Voter Booth at wapred is a member. LaslowCorpuscle "HI! Sorry I missed you before Puink Rock Karaoke! I saw you through the fence but I was at the wrong side and too far away to get your attention. Keep up the good work!"
7) I finally got between an SG's legs. When Sid was on my shoulders while she was watching Good Charlotte.
8) My first warped tour ever without going into the pit.
9) Souveniers: 2 of the 4 rancid pins I paid for. I lost the other 2 somewhere. A duke hat which may actually fit (it's fitted) that I found. I did not try it on, it NEEDS to be washed. Friday's press/phot pass which looks waaaay cooler than the crew ones! Many new friends! Warped tour still ahs that positive vibe which keeps things working! A sunburn, not bad and ALL Sid's fault for rushing me while I was applying sunscreen!
1 comp disc. And play schedules for both Thursday and Friday so I can go back and figure out what bands I saw that I need to invest time/money into checking out further. 4 t-shirts: A yoo-hoo one that says "Chocolate" on it; a Rancid shirt, a Punk Rock Karaoke Singer shirt, and a Monty's Fan Club shirt.
10) Monty's Fan Club: A great band from Providence. Won the Ernie Ball battle of the bands last year. Went to hs, with Sid. And damn they had a huge crowd for the stage they were on!
11) On thursday one of the guys from Bouncing Souls (I'm 99% sure but not 100% positive) got us into the forbidden zone. He saw Sid and said, "You trying to get backsatge?" she said yes and there we were. We thanked him and offerd him SG stickers. He said, "I know the site, that would be like me giving you one of my band stickers." I wish he had so I could be sure I was thankful to the right person and right band but anyway tpo the nice guy that got us backstage, "THANK YOU!!!"
12) We ran into Brie's roommate, who was doing video on friday. He was cool and I'm glad I got to hang out with him.
13) They were filming Punk Rock Holocaust while there and sid befriended the girl that spent 2 days covered in fake blood! I hope she made it back to LA ok!
14) we got to spend some time with the guy that runs Unamerican.com. He started a psin-off company as well StickerNation.com They'll print 250 stickers for $50, b/w vinyl stickers.
I know I'm forgetting something or someone but I met sooo many cool people and had such a good time!
Thank you Sid for taking me along with you!!!
edited to add #13.
eidted to renumber properly
edited to change 6 a bit cuz I remembered his name!
ok here we go:
1) I wish I had thought of this on Thursday! But On thursday people kept stopping Sid for various reasons and asking questions and taking pictures. At least 4 different times, PROFESSIONAL video people just started taking footage of her and following us for a bit. So on friday I kept score when people stopped her.
Corset piercings- 4
Boots - 3
Hair - 2
SG - 1
Random filming - 1
Wanted a photo - 1
The scores would ahve different had I kept score on Thursday, but man was she getting annoyed at me for this one day.

2) I did manage to grow the balls to ask the wicked security guard chick for her email address. She had a parade of guys hitting on her and she was getting annoyed. SO I thank sid for befriending her first and helping to make me look better.
3) I also managed to grow the balls to go up to Lars (and if you need to be told his last name or his band's name fuck off) and shake his hand. I nearly peed my pants while we were walking down the (turned off!) escalator connecting the press area with the craft food area and I saw him there! I shoke his hand and manage to say the only thing I could and something that mattered, "I just wanted to thank you for your music. I has meant a lot to me over the years." I could get nothing else out of my mouth. And Yes, Tim was near him but I could not talk to Tim.
4) Fletcher and Byron walked right by me. I did not realize it until after they passed and did not react in time before hit the "forbidden zone". Oh yeah we dod not have all-access passes just press/phot passes. It allowed us into the press area (and we had to walk through the craft food area to get there) It allowed us by the tour busses but not in the area just behind the two main stages.
5) FREE WATER! Holy shit you have no idea how important free water is. It was canned so it tasted funny but man who cares! It was warm most of the time, but I re-itterate WHO CARES! n I did save a can.
6) the guy doing the Punk Voter Booth at wapred is a member. LaslowCorpuscle "HI! Sorry I missed you before Puink Rock Karaoke! I saw you through the fence but I was at the wrong side and too far away to get your attention. Keep up the good work!"
7) I finally got between an SG's legs. When Sid was on my shoulders while she was watching Good Charlotte.
8) My first warped tour ever without going into the pit.

9) Souveniers: 2 of the 4 rancid pins I paid for. I lost the other 2 somewhere. A duke hat which may actually fit (it's fitted) that I found. I did not try it on, it NEEDS to be washed. Friday's press/phot pass which looks waaaay cooler than the crew ones! Many new friends! Warped tour still ahs that positive vibe which keeps things working! A sunburn, not bad and ALL Sid's fault for rushing me while I was applying sunscreen!

10) Monty's Fan Club: A great band from Providence. Won the Ernie Ball battle of the bands last year. Went to hs, with Sid. And damn they had a huge crowd for the stage they were on!
11) On thursday one of the guys from Bouncing Souls (I'm 99% sure but not 100% positive) got us into the forbidden zone. He saw Sid and said, "You trying to get backsatge?" she said yes and there we were. We thanked him and offerd him SG stickers. He said, "I know the site, that would be like me giving you one of my band stickers." I wish he had so I could be sure I was thankful to the right person and right band but anyway tpo the nice guy that got us backstage, "THANK YOU!!!"
12) We ran into Brie's roommate, who was doing video on friday. He was cool and I'm glad I got to hang out with him.
13) They were filming Punk Rock Holocaust while there and sid befriended the girl that spent 2 days covered in fake blood! I hope she made it back to LA ok!
14) we got to spend some time with the guy that runs Unamerican.com. He started a psin-off company as well StickerNation.com They'll print 250 stickers for $50, b/w vinyl stickers.
I know I'm forgetting something or someone but I met sooo many cool people and had such a good time!
Thank you Sid for taking me along with you!!!
edited to add #13.
eidted to renumber properly
edited to change 6 a bit cuz I remembered his name!
but it's strange that she didn't e-mail me...i'm the one who did her hair for prom...